Recruitment of various post in meritorious sportspersons to the posts of Income Tax Inspector,

Faaip | Sunday, 15 August 2021


Office  of the  Principal   Chief  Commissioner    of Income   Tax,  UP(East) Aaykar   Bhawan,   5, Ashok  Marg,   Lucknow   -  226001

Subject:    Recruitment     of  meritorious     sportspersons     to  the  posts   of  Income    Tax

Inspector,   Tax  Assistant   and  Multi-Tasking    Staff  -  regarding


Applications   are  invited  from  the  meritorious   sportspersons   fulfiJIing  the  eligibility criteria as per particulars  mentioned  in Annexure-I  for appointment   to the posts  of Inspector of Income  Tax,  Tax  Assistant  and  Multi-Tasking   Staff,  in  Income   Tax   Department, UP(East)Region.

2.       The willing and eligible candidates  can submit their application  form  by Registered   post only, as per Annexure-II  on or before 30.09.2021  (08.10.2021   for candidates   domiciled   in North Eastern States, Andaman  Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep,  Jammu  & Kashmir,  Kerala),  to the Income Tax Officer  (Hq)(Admn),  Office of the Principal  Chief  Commissioner   of Income Tax, UP(East),  Aaykar Bhawan, 5, Ashok Marg, Lucknow-22600)  .

Addl. Commissioner   of Income-Tax   (Hq)(Admn),

0/0 Principal Chief Commissioner   ofIncome   Tax,  UP(East), Aaykar Bhawan,  5, Ashok  Marg,  Lucknow-226001 





The  Principal Chief  Commissioner of  Income  Tax,  UP(East),  Lucknow,  invites applications for the recruitment  of meritorious  Sportspersons  in different games, sports as listed below for the following posts: -

The posts are temporary but likely to be permanent. The probation period is of2 years.

Eli2ibiljty Conditions

01.    Age Limit:

For Inspector  of Income Tax

For Tax Assistant/Multi  Tasking Staff
: 18 to 30 years  of age

: 18 to 27 years of age 

Relaxation of Age: 5 years for General/OBC  candidates  10 years  in case ofSC/ST candidates
(As per Govt. oflndia instructions for meritorious sports persons)

Note: Cutoff date for all the eligibility criteria, includingage and education is 31.12.2020

02.    Essential  Educational  Qualification

1.        For Inspector  of Income Tax:-
(i)       Degree froma recognizedUniversityor equivalent

2.        For Tax Assistants:-
(i)     Degree from a recognized University or equivalent
(ii)   Having Data Entry Speed of 8,000 Key depressions per hour
3.        For Multi Tasking  Staff:-

(i)       lOth    class pass or equivalent from a recognjzed board oruniversity

03. Number of Vacancies: No. of Posts

(i)       Inspectors of Income Tax         03
(ii)      1Lax }\ssistants
(iii)     Multi Tasking Staff                 13
04.     Sports  Eligibility:

Appointment    can  be  made   of  a  sportsperson    considered   meritorious    with  reference   to  the following  criteria:-

Sportspersons having represented
(i)         A   State   or   the   Country   in   a  National    or  International     Competition    ill  any  of  the games/sports   as mentioned   in Para  7

(ii)        Their  University   in  the  Inter-University    Tournaments    conducted   by the  Inter-University
Sports  Board  in any ofthe  games/sports    as mentioned   in Para 7

(iii)       The State  Schools  Team  in the National  Sports/Games   for schools  conducted  by All India
School  Games  Federation   in any of the games/sports   as mentioned   in Para 7
(iv)       Sportsperson    who   has   been   awarded   National   Awards   in  Physical   Efficiency   under
National   Physical  Efficiency   Drive.

Note:  The merit  of sportspersons,   who fulfill the aforesaid  eligibility  conditions,  shall be considered/decided     in the  order  of preference   given  above.  Further,  priority  would be given  to current  players  i.e. who  have  represented   in international  and national  level in the last three years in tournaments   of the recognized   sports federation.

NOTE: The best of three  performances   in the Calendar Year (in the descending order) 2020,
2019,2018,  2017 and 2016 shall be considered  for evaluation.

05.  Evidence  in support  of merit in sports events/games

Only  certificates    awarded   by  the  authorities   mentioned   hereunder   will  be  taken  into account  as evidence   in support  of having  participated  in competitions  in any of the above  Sports events/Games   while  considering  eligibility  of the applicant. A candidate  who cannot produce self­ attested  copies  of at  least  one  certificate   issued  by one of the authorities   mentioned  here  under
along with application   need not apply.

d6.     Selection   of the  candidates:

Subject  to fulfillin of the qualification    against  S1. No.  02 above,  the application shall be scrutinized    and   suitable    candidates    will   be  short   liste for  furthe selection    procedure.   For selection,  the short  listed  candidate   will be required  to appear  for interview   and iffurther   required, the players  may  be required   to underg ground/proficiency     test also.

 Success  in the above  test confers  no right  to appointment   unless  the Departmen is satisfied after such  enquiry  as may  be considered   necessary   that the candidate   is suitable  in all respect  for appointmen to the post.


07.      List   of  preferred      games/sports      for   which   the  applicationsare      invited:   -


In case suitable candidates arc not available in all)  of the ilhm  c (iame\   Sports. the Department 
will reserve its right not to consider such games/sports and IIIlot the \ ncancic  .. rc ..crv cd for such games/sport to any of the remaining games/sports in the ahovc lisl or gumc- notified h) DoP  r (IS  rl'r Annexure  '1\'  of  O.M.  No.  14015/1176- Estt.(D) doted   4th Auguvr, I <JRO. l'aru  I  of n.M. NIl.
14034/4/8S-Estt.{D)     dated  18th September,  I Q85. Appendix In ()~,     \,,,    I-1014f1 (JI-I• ..I.I (f»)   d.lIl•J
21st  March, 1c)91 & Para 3 er o.«. No. 1403-l1J/200Q-Fst1(f)      dilled  24th l'ou\cmi'>cr.  20(}C)

08.     How to apply:
Applications   must   be! submitted  in  1"(111(1\\111)-,lounru        uddrc  cd III  Income Tn Officer (Hq)(Admin),  %    Principal  Chief Commissioner of Income IIU, l  I•(~11,1).'I}akar   Bhawan,  5- Ashok Marg,  Lucknow-226001.  b~ Regi rered  pO!'>1  \'IlI~ lin   IIr  before  30.09.2021  (08.10.2021   lor candidates domiciled  in    onh  Fasicrn  .  Andamun  'I,-,'O.U  (..I..mJ ... I .J..:lh.lJ\\ccp.  Jammu  & Kashmir. Kcralu).

Also. ckarl~  \\ rite on the enx elope:


09.l'hc candidate on appointment \\ ill be liable for posting ut an~ place 111 L PI f:.ul)' Lucknow region.

10.The applicant shall enclose attested copies of the 1'0110\\ Ing ceni ticare
(i)  lutriculation '~C or equiv alent certificate for proof of agl.'
(ii)Certificates of Educaiional  qualifications.
(iii)Sports-games  certificates  h   mentioned  .11S.'('I. 05 abov c.
(i\) CT OBC caste certificate. (\)          Copy of Aadhar Card

1he candidate must be in possession  of the requisite qualification for the: concerned po I us on
~ I. \ ~.~O~O.I urthcr. latest colored photograph  should be pasted on the application form and the same
. hould be Jul~ Jtll• ..t.ed h~ a Gazeued  Officer.

1t. persons who an: :l1T\:ad~ employed in Central Government or State Gll'l.'mmcntor P 
..lIJ ,ubm:t 3f' ~OC from t~c present employ cr \\ hich should be enclosed \\ ith the application 

12.   The   selected    candidates    will   be   posted   in  UPCEast),   Lucknow    region   only.   The   selected candidates   will  be  on  probation    for  2  years   or  such  period   as  per  the  extant   instructions   of    the Government   of India.  His/her  participation    in the tournament/meets    on behalf  of the department   will also be a deciding  factor  in the declaration   of his/her  probation.   The selected  candidate   will be required to represent   the  Income   Tax  Department,    UP(East),   Lucknow   Region   in  the  tournaments/meets     as decided  at least for  10 years.  The  selected  candidates   will be required  to give  an  undertaking    not  to apply  for  inter  charge   transfer   or  transfer   on  loan  basis  for  aminimurn   period  of 10 years.

13.     The declaration   to this  effect  to work  at any place  under  Pr CCIT  CCCA),  UPCEast), Lucknow
Region,  should  be submitted   along  with the application.

14.     Services   of  the  selected   candidates    as  far  as  participation    in  sporting   acnviues and   leave management   etc.  shall  strictly  be subject  to fulfilment  of the conditions   as enumerated   inthe  DOPT's O.M. No. 6/1/85-Estt.(Pay-I)    dated  16th July,  1985.

15.     Application    duly   signed   and  completed   in  all  respect,   should   reach   to  the  office   of  the undersigned   by 30.09.2021   by Registered  post only (08.10.2021  for candidates  domiciled in North Eastern  States, Andaman  Nicobar  Islands, Lakshadweep, Jammu  & Kashmir,  Kerala).

16.     Applications    received   after  the  due  date  will  not  be  entertained   under   any circumstances. Incomplete,   unsigned   and  application   without  annexures  will  be rejected  and no correspondence   in the matter  will be made  with the applicant.  Eligible candidates  will be called  for above said  tests and interview.  The date and venue for tests and interview will be intimated  to the eligible  candidates  in due course by the authorized  officer.

17.    Any  form of canvassing  by any candidate  will render  his/her  candidature   liable  to be rejected summarily  at any stage of recruitment  process.

18. The  Pr.  Chief   Commissioner   of  Income  Tax,  UP(East),   Lucknow,   has  right  to  cancel  the recruitment  process at any stage without assigning any reason.

19.    In  the  event  of  any  tie,  the  decision  of  Pro Chief  Commissioner   of  Income  Tax,  UP(East), Lucknow shall be final.


Ihereby declare that all statements made in this application are true complete  and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information  being false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the tests/interview  my candidature/appointment  is liable to be cancelled/terminated.   I have  not submitted  any other application for this post. Iam aware that ifl contravene this Rule, my application will be rejected summarily by the Department.

1 further declare  that  1 fulfill  all  the  conditions  of  eligibility  regarding   age  limit, educational qualification & sports eligibility, etc., prescribed for the post.

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