Recruitment of various post in JOIN INDIAN ARMY

Faaip | Monday, 21 June 2021




1.       Applications are invited from unmarried male and unmarried female (including Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel), for grant of Short Service Commission in the Indian Army.

2.        Eligibility

(a)       Nationality.  A candidate must either be: (i) A citizen of India, or (ii)  A subject of Nepal, or (iii)  A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii) and (iii) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will, however, not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

(b)       Age  Limit.    For  NCC  candidates  (including  wards  of  Battle  Casualties)

19 to 25 years as on 01 Jul 2021 (born not earlier than 02 Jul 1996 and not later than 01 Jul 2002; both dates inclusive). 

Note. Candidates should note that the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of applications will only be accepted and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

IMPORTANT NOTE.   Candidates must note that they can appear for ONLY one of the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview, either SSC (NT)-114 Course (Oct 2021) /SSC (NT) (Women)-28 Course (Oct 2021) as CDSE candidate OR NCC (Spl) Entry-50 Course (Oct 2021).   Candidates are required to give undertaking to this effect under the declaration part of the online application.

(c)       Educational Qualification and other Criteria

(i)        For NCC 'C' Certificate Holders

(aa)     Educational Qualification. Degree of a recognized University or  equivalent  with  aggregate  of  minimum  50%  marks  taking  into account marks of all the years. Those studying in final year are also allowed to apply provided they have secured minimum 50% aggregate marks in the first two/three years of three/four years degree course respectively. Such students will need to secure  overall aggregate of minimum 50% marks in degree course if selected in interview, failing which their candidature will be  CANCELLED.

(ab)     Service in NCC. Should have served for minimum two/three years (as applicable) in Senior Division/Wg of NCC. 

(ac)     Grading. Should ha ve  obta ine d  mini mum  of  ‘B'  Gra de  in  ‘C’   Certificate Exam of NCC.  Applicants, who are not holding NCC  ‘C’ Certificate on date of application, are not eligible to  apply for the course.

Note 1.         For  the  Qualified  Graduate  Candidates  of  the  Degree  Course. Candidates who have passed the graduation degree course must produce the provisional/degree  certificate  by  1st    Oct  2021  to  the  Directorate  General  of Recruiting, failing which their candidature will be cancelled.

Note 2.         For the Candidates Studying in the Final Year of Degree Course. The candidates studying in the final year of graduation, if not already in possession of  provisional  /degree  certificate  must  submit  the  proof  of  their  passing  the graduation degree Exam by 1st  Oct 2021 to the Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which their candidature will be cancelled. Those who are not able to produce the  degree  certificate/provisional degree  certificate  by the  specified  date  will be inducted on Additional Bond Basis only on submission of proof of their passing graduation degree  exam  to  the  Directorate  General of  Recruiting  by the  above specified date.

(ii)       For Wards of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel

(aa)     Eligibility  Criteria.  The  vacancies  under  wards  of  battle casualties are available to wards (unmarried sons and unmarried daughters including legally adopted) of Battle casualties specified as:-

(aaa)  Killed in action.

(aab)  Died  of  wound  or  injuries  (Other  than  self-inflicted). (aac)  Wounded or Injured (Other than self-inflicted).

(aad)  Missing.

(ab)     Educational Qualification.    Degree of a recognized University or  equivalent  with  aggregate  of  minimum  50%  marks  taking  into account marks of all the years.

(ac)    NCC 'C' certificate NOT required for Wards of Battle Casualties. (ad)     Details  of  Documents  to  be  provided  in  the  Application


(aaa)  The ‘Battle Casualty’ certificate No. issued by Manpower (Policy  &  Planning)  Directorate  (MP  Dte)  certifying  that  the parent has been killed/wounded/reported missing in action.

(aab)  A copy of MP Dte / Respective Regimental Records

Part II Order No. notifying injuries and being classified as

‘Battle Casualty’.

(aac) Relationship Certificate No. issued by MP 5 & 6 / Respective Regimental   Records.

Note.  Applications will be submitted online by wards of battle casualties with details of documents mentioned as at Para 9 (b) below. However, they will carry all documents at the time of SSB interview in original. Incomplete documents will be summarily rejected by the Selection Centre and No representation in this regard will be entertained or replied. 

3.        Vacancies

(a)       NCC Men.    50  (45  for  General  Category  and  05  for  Wards  of  Battle

Casualties of Army personnel only).

(b)       NCC  Women.  05  (04  for  General  Category  and  01  for  Wards  of  Battle

Casualties of Army personnel only).

4.        Terms and Conditions of Service

(a)       Tenure of Engagement. Short Service Commission will be granted to Male and Female in the regular Army for 14 years i.e. for an initial period of 10 years extendable by a further period of 04 years. Male & Female officers who are willing to continue to serve in the Army after the expiry of period of ten years of Short Service Commission  may, if  eligible  and  suitable  in  all  respects, be considered for the grant of Permanent Commission (PC) in the 10th year of their Short Service Commission in accordance with the relevant policies as issued from time to time. Those SSC officers (Male & Female) who are not selected for grant of PC but are otherwise considered fit and suitable, will be given options to continue as SSCOs for a total period of 14 years (including the initial tenure of 10 years) on expiry of which they will be released from the Army

(b)       Period of Probation.  An officer will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date he/she receives his/her commission. If he/she is reported on within the probationary period as unsuitable to retain his/her commission, his/her services may be terminated any time whether before or after the expiry of the probationary period.

(c)       An t e D a t e S e n i o r i t y. No ante date seniorit y will be granted .

(d)       Termination of Commission.  An officer granted Short Service Commission will be liable to serve for ten years but his/her Commission may be terminated at any time by the Government of India for:-

(i)       Misconduct or if his/her services are found to be unsatisfactory, or

(ii)      On account of medical unfitness, or

(iii)      If his/her services are no longer required, or

(iv)     If he/she fails to qualify in any prescribed test or course.

(v)      An  officer may on  giving  03  months notice  be  permitted  to  resign his/her commission on compassionate grounds of which the Government of India will be the sole judge. An officer who is permitted to resign his/her commission  on  compassionate  grounds  will  not  be  eligible  for  terminal gratuity.

(e)       Reserve Liability.  Short Service Commission Officers on release before or expiry of contractual length of service will carry reserve liability to serve the Army for five years plus two years on voluntary basis or up to the age of 37 years for women and 40 years for men whichever is earlier. 

5.        Training.   Duration of training is 49 w eeks at OT A, Chennai .

(a)     Selected candidates will be detailed f or Pre -Commission trai nin g at OTA, Chennai acco rdin g to the ir position in the f inal orde r of merit, up to the number of available vacancies, sub ject to meeting a ll eligibilit y criteria.

(b)     Candidates  will  neither  be  allo wed  to  marry  durin g  the  period  of trainin g   no r   will   he /she   be   allo wed   to   live   with   parents/Guardians. Candidates  must  not  marry  until  the y  complete  the  f ull  trainin g  at  the Off icers  Trainin g A cademy.  A  cand idate,  who  marries  sub sequent  to  the date  of  his/her  applicat ion,  though  successf ul  at  the  Services  Sele ct ion Board intervie w o r medical e xaminatio n, will not be induct ed f or trainin g. A candidate if he/she marries, while unde r t rainin g, shall be discharged and will   be   liable   to   ref und   all   expendit ure   incurred   on   him/her   by   the go vernment. It is also applica ble to the ward s of Battle Casualties of Army Personnel.

(c)      All  candidates  who  successf ully  complete  Pre -Commissio n  training at  Off icers  Trainin g  Academy,  Chennai  will  be  a wa rded  ‘ Post  Graduate Diploma i n De fenc e Management and Stra tegic Studie s ’ by Uni ve rsit y of Madras.

(d)         Cost of Training. The  entire  cost  of  training  at  OTA  is  at  Government expense.   In case the cadet is withdrawn from training academy due to reasons other than medical ground or the reasons not beyond his/her control, he/she will be liable to refund cost of training @ ₹ 12,908/- per week till 30 Jun 2021, thereafter a yearly  escalation  of  8%  p.a.  will  be  calculated  on  the  Per  Capita  Cost  of Training for each ensuing year (or as notified from time to time) apart from allied charges as fixed by the government from time to time, for the period of his/her stay at OTA, Chennai.

6.        The final allocation of Arms/Services will be made prior to passing out of gentleman cadets/Lady cadets from OTA.

7.        P r o m o t i o n C r i t e r i a a n d S a l a r y S t r u c t u r e

(a)      P r o m o t i o n C r i t e r i a


(i)       Higher TPTA Cities (UA). Hyderabad, Patna, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Surat, Bengaluru, Kochi, Kozhikode, Indore, Greater Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Jaipur, Chennai, Coimbatore, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, Kolkata.

(ii)      The allowance shall not be admissible to those service personnel who have been provided with the facility of Government transport. 

(iii)      Officers in Pay Level 14 and above, who are entitled to use official car, will have the option to avail official car facility or to draw the TPTA at the rate of ₹ 15,750+DA thereon.

(iv)     The allowance will not be admissible for the calendar month(s) wholly covered by leave.

(v)      Physically disabled service personnel will continue to be paid at double rate, subject to a minimum of ₹ 2,250+ DA p.m

(n)       Children Education Allowance (CEA). ₹ 2250/- per month per child for two eldest surviving only. CEA is admissible from Nursery to 12th Class.

(i)       Reimbursement should be done just once a year, after completion of the financial year (which for most schools coincides with the Academic year).

(ii)      Certificate from the head of institution where the ward of government employee studies should be sufficient for this purpose. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year.

(iii)      In the case of allowances specific to Defence Forces, the rates of these allowances would be enhanced by 25% automatically each time the Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay band goes up by 50% (GoI letter No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16 Aug 2017).

(o)       Hostel Subsidy. ₹ 6750/- per month per child for two eldest surviving only. Hostel Subsidy is admissible from Nursery to 12th Class.

(p)      Please note that pay & allowances and rules/provisions thereof are subject to revision from time to time.

8.        Army Group Insurance Fund (AGIF).  The Gentlemen/Lady Cadets when in receipt of stipend are insured for ₹ 75 lakh as applicable to officers of the regular Army.  For those who are invalidated out by IMB on account of  disability and not entitled to any pension will be provided ₹ 25 lakhs for 100 percent disability. This will be proportionately reduced to ₹ 5 lakhs for 20 percent disability. However, for less than

20 percent disability, an Ex-Gratia Grant of ₹ 50,000/- only will be paid.  Disability due to alcoholism, drug addiction and due to the diseases of pre-enrolment origin will not qualify for disability benefit and Ex-Gratia Grant.  In addition, Gentleman/Lady Cadets withdrawn on disciplinary grounds, expelled as undesirable or leaving the Academy voluntarily will not be eligible for disability benefits and Ex-Gratia. Subscription at the rate of ₹ 5,000/- will have to be paid in advance on monthly basis by Gentlemen/Lady Cadets to become member under the main AGI Scheme as applicable to regular Army Officers. The subscription for the relegated period would also be recovered at the same rate. 

9.        How to Apply

(a)      Applications       will       only       be       accepted       online       on       website  Click on ‘Officer Entry Appln/Login’ and then click

‘Registration’ (Registrations not required, if already registered on Fill the online registration form after reading the instructions carefully. After getting registered, click on ‘Apply Online’ under Dashboard. A page ‘Officers Selection - ‘Eligibility’ will open. Then click ‘Apply’ shown  against  Short  Service  Commission  NCC  Special  Entry  Course.  A  page

‘Application Form’ will open. Read the instructions carefully and click ‘Continue’ to fill details as required under various segments. Personal information, Communication details, Education details and details of previous SSB. ‘Save & Continue’ each time before you go to the next segment. After filling details on the last segment, you will move to a page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and edit the entries already made. Only after ascertaining the correctness of all your details, click on ‘Submit’. Candidates must click on  ‘Submit’ each  time they open the application for editing any details. The candidates are required to take out two copies of their application having Roll Number, 30 minutes after final closure of online application on last day.


Important Note 1.       No changes to details submitted in online application can be made after closure of application. No representation in this regard shall be entertained.

Important  Note  2.    CGPA/Grades  must  be  converted  into  Marks  as  per  the formulae adopted by the concerned University for filling ‘Marks obtained in Graduation’ in online application. Any discrepancy observed at any stage of selection process will lead to cancellation of candidature.

Important Note 3.      Candidate’s name/parent’s name (father & mother)/ date of birth in the profile and online application must be as per matriculation /Secondary School Examination certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board of education. Variation in above details will lead to cancellation of the candidature.

(b)      Self attested copy of following documents alongwith their originals are to be carried to the Selection Centre by the candidates:-

(i)       One copy of the Print out of application duly signed and affixed with self attested photograph.

(iii)      Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate or equivalent certificate and Mark Sheet issued by the concerned Board of Education.

Note 1. Matriculation/Secondary School Examination Certificate or equivalent certificate issued by the concerned Board of Education will only be accepted as proof of  date of birth,  candidate’s  name  and parent’s name  (father & mother).  No other document like Admit card/ Mark Sheet/Transfer certificate etc are acceptable. 

Note 2. In case parent’s name (father & mother) is not mentioned in Matriculation/Secondary School Examination certificate or equivalent certificate, the candidate is required to produce any document issued by Govt of India or States Govt such as PAN card, Aadhaar card, Passport, Driving licence etc for verification.   However, candidate’s name and their parent’s name filled in online application must match exactly with those mentioned in the produced document.

(iii)      12th Class Certificate & Marks Sheet. (iv)     Graduation Degree/Provisional Degree. (v)      Marks Sheets of all years/semesters.

(vi)     NCC `C’ Certificate (Date of issue of NCC `C’ Certificate to be on or before the date of submission of online application by the candidate). NCC `C’ Certificate is not required from Wards of Battle Casualties.

(vii)     Certificate regarding CGPA conversion to marks (as applicable) and aggregate percentage from the concerned University duly specifying the rules/ conversion criteria/formula in this regard.

(viii)    Certificate from the Principal/Head of the Institution stating that the candidate is in final year and his/her result will be declared by 1st of Oct 2021 (only for final year appearing candidates).

(ix)     Declaration by the candidate of final year degree course that he/she will submit the proof of passing by 1st  of Oct 2021 to Directorate General of Recruiting, failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled.

(x)      The Wards of Battle Casualties will also submit the documents mentioned at Para 2 (c) (ii) (ad) in addition to the documents mentioned above.

(c)      Any candidate who does not carry the above documents for the SSB

interview, his/ her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will be returned.

(d)      All  certificates  in  original  to  be  carried  by  the  candidates  for  SSB interview for verification. Originals will be returned after verification at the SSB itself.

(e)      The second copy of the printout of online application is to be retained by the candidate for reference. There is no need to send any hard copy to Directorate General Recruiting.

(f)       Candidates must submit only one online application. Receipt of multiple applications from the same candidate will result in cancellation of candidature, and NO representation will be entertained in this regard.

(g)    Candidates serving in the Armed Forces are required to inform their Commanding Officer in writing that they have applied for this examination. Applications of candidates serving in the Armed Forces, duly countersigned by the Commanding Officer should be taken alongwith all other documents as stated above to the SSB interview as and when called for the same. 

10.      S e l e c t i o n P r o c e d u r e .   The selection proce dure is as f ollo ws: -

(a)      S h o r t l i s t i n g   o f   Ap p l i c a t i o n s .      Integrated   HQ   of   MoD   (Arm y) reserves  the  right  f or  short l ist ing  of  applications,  without  assignin g  an y reason.    Af ter  shortlist ing  of  applications,  the  Centre  allotment  will  be intimated to candidates via their email. Af ter allotment of Selection Cent re, candidates will have  to  log in  to  the website and se lect t heir SSB dates wh ich a re a vailab le on a f irst come f irst serve basis in itially.  Thereaf ter, it will be allotted by t he Selection Centres.   The option to s elect the dates for  SS B  by  candi dates  ma y  be  forfeited  due  to  occurrence  of  an y exceptional circum sta nce/e vents.

(b)     Only  shortlisted  eligib le  candidates  will  undergo  SSB  at  Selection Centres,    Allahabad(UP),    Bhopal(MP ),    Banga lore    (Ka rnataka)    and Kapurthala  (PB) .  Call  up  letter  f or  SSB  intervie w  will  be  issued  b y respective Selectio n Centre on candidate s’ re giste red e -mail id and SMS only.  Al lotment of Selection  Centre  i s  at  the  discretion  of  Directorate General of Recruiting, IHQ of MoD ( Ar m y) and  No reque st for cha nges w ill be entertained in this re gard.

(c)      Candidates  will  be  put  through  tw o  stage  selection  pr ocedure . Those w ho clear Stage I w ill go to Stage II . Those w ho fail in stage I w ill be returned on the same da y . Duration of SSB interview is fi ve da ys and  details  of  the  same  are  available  on  off icial  website  of  Directorate General of Recrui t ing ie This will be f ollowed b y a  medical  examina tion  f or  the  candidates  who  get  reco mmended  af ter Stage II.

(d)     Candidates  recommended  by  the  SSB  and  declared  medically  f it, will be issued joinin g letter f or t rainin g in the order of merit , depending on the number of vaca ncies a vailable , sub ject to meeting a ll eligibilit y criteria .

11.      M e d i c a l E x a m i n a t i o n .  Please visit  w w w . j o i n i n d i a n a r m y. n i c . i n  f or Medical Standards and Procedures of Medical Examination f or Officers Ent ry into Army as applicable.

N o t e. The proceedi ng s of the Me dical Boar d are confide ntial and w ill not be di vulged to an yone. Directorate Gen eral of Recrui ting has no role to pla y in any Medical Boards and procedure a dvised b y the medical authori ties w ill be strictl y adhered .

12.      Entitlement for Travelling Allowance.   Candidates appearing for SSB interview for the first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for AC 3-Tier to and fro railway fare or bus fare including reservation-Cum-Sleeper Charges within the Indian Limits. Candidates who appear again for the same type of commission will not be entitled to travelling allowances on any subsequent occasion. For any query/clarification regarding admissibility or payment of travelling allowance, the candidates may directly approach the concerned Selection Centre. 

13.      Merit List. It is to be noted that mere qualifying at the SSB interview does not confirm final selection. Merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidate at SSB interview. In case equal SSB marks are obtained by more than one candidate, the older candidate(s) in age will be ranked higher in the merit.  In case both SSB marks and age of more than one candidate are same, the candidate(s) with higher percentage of marks in qualifying examination will be placed higher in the merit. Higher educational qualifications, previous performances, etc have no role to play. Those in the merit list and who come within the stipulated vacancies and are medically fit will be issued joining letters for Pre-Commission training at OTA, Chennai, subject to meeting all eligibility criteria.

14.     On joining the Army, some of Personal Restrictions in Service will be imposed in accordance with Article 33 of Constitution of India as promulgated in the Army Act and Army Rules from time to time.

15.      C h a n g e  o f  I n t e r vi ew  D a t e s .    Re que st  for  c hange  of  SSB  inter vie w date/centre w ill NOT be enter tained or replied .

N o t e 1.        An y   am bigui t y/fal se   informati on/concealment   of   information detected   in   the   certificates/docum ents/onli ne   applic ation   w ill   result  in cancellation of the candidature at any sta ge of selecti on and the reafter.

N o t e 2.        The candidate should have ne ver been debarred f rom appearin g in any e xamination b y UPSC.

N o t e 3.        The  candidate  should  have  ne ve r  been  arrested  o r  con victed  by a crimina l  court  or  in vo lved  in  an y  case .    In  case  an y  such  issue  comes  to notice during the selection pr ocess or pre -commission training, candidate / cadet  w ill  be  subject  to  cancellation  of  candi dature/ w ithdraw al  from  the Ac a dem y b y IHQ of MoD ( Ar m y).

N o t e 4.        Candidates withd ra wn f rom NDA/I MA/ OTA/Naval A cademy/A ir Force Academy  or  an y  Service  Train ing  A cademy  on  discip linary  ground  are  not eligible to apply.

N o t e 5.        For  all  queries  re gardin g  allotment  of  Selection  Centres,  date  of intervie w,  merit  list,  joinin g  instruct io ns  and  any  other  rele vant  inf ormation please visit ou r we bsite Queries w ill be replied O NLY through ‘ Feedback /Queries’ option a vailable on the Rtg w ebsite .

N o t e 6.        Please read the Notif ication , Tickers on website, Joinin g In structions and other instruct io ns uploaded on the website thorou ghly bef ore submission of queries in ‘Feedback/Query’ on our web site.

N o t e 7.        In  order  to  a void  last  hour  rush  and  ensure  timel y  r esponse , queries  recei ve d  upto  03  da ys  pri or  to  cl osing  of  online  applicat i on  w ill O N L Y be entertai ned / replied.

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