Recruitment of various post in Graduate Apprentices & Technician Apprentices

Faaip | Friday, 17 September 2021

Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited 

(A Govt. of India Undertaking) 

Ministry of Defence

 CIN NO. : L35111WB1934GOI007891

Notification No. APP:01/21

Engagement of Trade Apprentices, Graduate Apprentices & Technician Apprentices

Opening Date for Online registration        : 11.09.2021 (1400 hrs.) 

Closing Date for Online registration         : 01.10.2021 (2359 hrs.)

GARDEN  REACH  SHIPBUILDERS  &  ENGINEERS  LTD.  invites  application  through ONLINE mode for engagement of 256 APPRENTICES (TRADE APPRENTICES, GRADUATE  APPRENTICES  and  TECHNICIAN  APPRENTICES)  for  the  year  2021-22 under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time and Rules thereof, in the following trades / disciplines:

1) Trade Apprentice (Ex-ITI)

iii)  Duration of Training : 12 months

iv)  Essential Qualification: Applicant should have passed All India Trade Test (AITT) for Craftsmen Training Scheme and possess a National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT), Govt. of India in the respective feeder trade mentioned above.

v) Candidates who have undergone Apprenticeship Training or undergoing Apprenticeship Training or registered for Apprenticeship Training under the Apprenticeship Act elsewhere are not eligible.

vi)  Age limit:        Minimum – 14 years of age as on 01.09.2021 (Candidates born on or before 01.09.2007)

Maximum – 25 years of age as on 01.09.2021

(Candidates born on or after 01.09.1996)

(Age relaxation applicable for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates)

vii) Candidates  must  register  themselves  to  the  Apprenticeship  Training  Portal  of MSDE, Govt. of India  before applying online against this advertisement. If not registered so far, candidates may register at

2) Trade Apprentice (Fresher)

i)   No. of vacancies: Total 40 (approx.)

ii)   Trades: Fitter, Welder (Gas & Electric), Electrician, Pipe Fitter, Machinist iii)  Duration of Training: As per Apprentice Act

iv)  Training will be conducted in Kolkata based Units only.

v)  Essential  Qualification:  Applicant  should  have  passed  Class  10th   standard  / Madhyamik or equivalent examination from recognized Central / State Board.

vi)  Candidates   who   have   undergone   Apprenticeship   Training   or   undergoing

Apprenticeship  Training  or  registered  for  Apprenticeship  Training  under  the

Apprenticeship Act elsewhere are not eligible.

vii) ITI passed candidates or candidates who have appeared for ITI examination are not eligible for Trade Apprentices (Fresher) vacancies.

viii) Age limit:        Minimum – 14 years of age as on 01.09.2021 (Candidates born on or before 01.09.2007)

Maximum – 20 years of age as on 01.09.2021

(Candidates born on or after 01.09.2001)

(Age relaxation applicable for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates)

ix)  Candidates are advised to register themselves to the Apprenticeship Training Portal of  MSDE,  Govt.  of  India  before  applying  online

against this advertisement. If not registered so far, candidates may register at

3) Graduate Apprentice

iii)  Duration of Training : 12 months
iv)  Essential Qualification: Applicant should have a Diploma in Engineering granted by a  State  Council  or  Board  of  Technical  Education  established  by  a  State Government/ by University in the respective subject fields mentioned above. 
v)  Only  the  above  mentioned  subject  fields  will  be  considered.  Any  claim  for equivalence to the subject fields will not be considered.
vi) Candidates who have passed Diploma in Engineering examination in calendar year 2018, 2019 or 2020 are only eligible.
vii) Candidates   who   have   undergone   Apprenticeship   Training   or   undergoing
Apprenticeship  Training  or  registered  for  Apprenticeship  Training  under  the
Apprenticeship Act elsewhere are  not eligible.
viii) Candidates who possess work experience of one year or more are not eligible.
ix)  Students who have completed Post Graduate qualification in Engineering (M.E / M.Tech / MBA) are  not eligible.
x)  Training will be conducted in Kolkata based Units or in Ranchi Unit. xi)  Age limit:        Minimum – 14 years of age as on 01.09.2021
(Candidates born on or before 01.09.2007)
Maximum – 26 years of age as on 01.09.2021 (Candidates born on or after 01.09.1995
(Age relaxation applicable for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates)
xii) Candidates  must  enrol  themselves  to  the  National  Apprenticeship  Training
Scheme   (NATS)   Portal   of   MHRD   before   applying   online   against   this advertisement. If not enrolled so far, candidates may register at!registerme

5) Age Relaxation

i) Maximum  age  limit  relaxation  will  be  given  as  per  Govt.  Rules,  subject  to submission of relevant Certificate issued by Competent follows:

6) Reservation

i)     Reservation will be applied as per the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961 and
Apprenticeship Rules 1992 as amended from time to time.
ii) Applicants belonging to SC / ST category should produce their caste certificate in prescribed format issued by competent Authority.
iii) OBC candidates at the time of document verification, if shortlisted, have to submit declaration to the effect that the incumbent does not fall in Creamy Layer section and  also  to  produce  non-creamy  layer  certificate  in  the  prescribed  format  as
applicable for appointment for the posts under Govt. of India and Central Govt. Public Sector Undertaking. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate by the Competent
Authority should be issued within one year of date of verification.
iv)   Applicants belonging to Physically Handicapped (PH) category having disability of
40% or more are required to produce valid disability certificate issued by competent authority.

7) Application Procedure

i)     The detailed advertisement and procedure of application are available in “Career
Section” of GRSE Website: and in ii)    Online Application Process: All candidates have to submit ONLINE application through    'Career    section'    of    GRSE    website    or    on . Please refer “Guidelines to Apply Online” in the portal for further information.
iii) All candidates are required to apply through ONLINE mode ONLY. No other means / mode of submission of applications will be accepted.
iv)   Candidates are required to ensure eligibility as per  the Detailed  Advertisement before applying.
v)    Applicants are advised to keep ready valid e-mail ID, mobile number and scan copy
of his / her Passport size colour photograph (max. 100 KB size) before start filling the  online  application.  The  email  ID  and  Mobile  number  provided  in  online application should remain valid for at least one year.
vi)   Last date for online application is 01.10.2021
vii)  Candidates are advised to apply well in time to avoid any last minute technical problems.
viii)  While applying, the applicants must ensure that the particulars furnished by him /
her are correct in all respect. In case it is detected at any stage of selection process or even after engagement that he or she has furnished incorrect / false information or  has  suppressed  any  material  fact  or  has  submitted  forged  certificates  / documents, his / her candidature will stand cancelled and apprenticeship liable to be terminated forthwith. Candidate may also render himself liable to criminal prosecution.
ix)   After  filing  the  Online  Application,  take  print  out  of  auto  generated  filled  in
Application Format and put signature of Candidate and Parent/Guardian at designated places.
x)     Candidates should keep a copy of the  Application printout.  Hard copy of
application is not required to be send to GRSE by post. However, the same will have to be produced by the candidates at the time of document verification in GRSE.

8) Selection Process

i) The  mere  fact  that  a  candidate  has  submitted  application  against  the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the eligibility criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him / her the right to be definitely considered for selection process.
ii) Candidates applying for Trade Apprentice (Ex-ITI) can opt for Training either at Kolkata or at Ranchi. They will be considered accordingly for preparing the Merit List.
iii)   Merit List based on marks scored in the Qualifying Examination in each trade /
discipline i.e. AITT under CTS for Trade Apprentice (Ex-ITI), Degree in Engineering examination for Graduate Apprentice and Diploma in Engineering examination for
Technician Apprentice.
iv)   Common Merit List based on marks scored in class 10th standard / Madhyamik or equivalent  examination  will  be  prepared  for  selection  of  Trade  Apprentices
(Fresher).  Allotment  of  trade  will  be  made  after  joining  in  order  of  merit  and availability of seats.
v)    In case final aggregate grades / marks is not mentioned in Certificate or in Final
marksheet, average marks of all the semesters / years will be considered as the marks scored in the Qualifying Examination.
vi)   Wherever CGPA or other grades in qualifying examination are awarded, equivalent
% of marks should be indicated in the application as per norms adopted by concerned University / Institute. The candidate shall be required to submit a certificate to this effect from the University / Institute at the time of document verification. Where there is no laid down norms for conversion to equivalent % of
marks, in such cases equivalency will be drawn by dividing the candidate’s CGPA
by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.
vii)  The date of declaration of final semester / year result / issuance of mark sheet shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring Degree / Diploma in Engineering qualification
and there shall be no relaxation on this account. 
viii)  In case the date of declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the candidate shall be required to submit a certificate mentioning the date of publication of result from the Principal of the Institute / College from where the candidate pursued his course, along with his application form.
ix)   In the event of tie in total marks obtained by the candidates, age seniority will be considered i.e. candidate who is older will get preference.
x)    Candidates will be called for document verification in the order of merit. They are
required to submit ORIGINAL documents along with one set of self-attested photocopies of documents in regards to educational qualification, age and caste/PH (if applicable) and other documents as specified in the advertisement. Candidature will be rejected in case candidates failed to produce the original document or he/she is found not satisfying the eligibility criteria.
xi)   Shortlisted  candidates  shall  undergo  Medical  Examination  and  will  have  to  be declared “Medically Fit” by GRSE Medical Officer before engagement as Apprentice in GRSE. Final selection of candidate is subject to medical fitness by Company’s Medical Officer as per company’s Rules.
xii)  GRSE being a Government of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Defence, it is mandatory to submit Police Verification Report for residential address area from competent authority at the time of joining for training. Failure to submit the above report may lead to the cancellation of engagement as Apprentice.
xiii)  If selected, candidates can be posted to any Unit / Department of the Company for the Apprenticeship Training.
xiv) The selected candidates must execute a Contract with respective authority as per
the Apprenticeship Act.

9) Stipend

i)     Apprentices engaged will be paid stipend as per following rates:

ii)    The Apprentices shall not be entitled to any other benefit / facilities / allowances
apart from the consolidated stipend.
iii) It may please be noted that, the monthly amount of stipend payable to the selected Apprentice is directly credited in his/her Saving Bank account, where ECS facility is available. Selected candidates should therefore have a saving Bank Account in his/her name where the amount of stipend can be credited directly by ECS every month. No cheque will be issued / cash payment will be made by the company. It may please be noted that, as per the directives from Income Tax Department, every individual  receiving  payment  from  the  company must  have  a  PAN  (Permanent Account Number). It is thus mandatory for the selected candidates to have their PAN card. The candidates are therefore advised to open Saving Bank account in a Public Sector / Private Sector Schedule Banks and  obtain PAN Card from the concern authority at the earliest.

10)  General Instructions

i) The above mentioned trades / disciplines and numbers are indicative and subject to change without prior notice. The decision of the GRSE management will be final and no appeal will be entertained. 
ii) GRSE reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of seats. Filling up of seats  is  solely  at  the  discretion  of  the  management  based  on  suitability  of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to any reason.
iii)    ITI / Degree Engineering / Diploma Engineering qualification acquired through
Part-time / Distance learning mode will not be considered.
iv)   Only Indian Nationals can apply.
v)    No TA/DA will be paid to the applicants called for any stage of the selection process. vi)   In case of any ambiguity / dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions
other than English, the English version will prevail.
vii)  Information   related   to   engagement   process   like   document   verification schedule,  medical  examination  schedule,  selection  etc.  will  be  hosted  in
GRSE website
viii)  After completion of training, the Apprenticeship contract will be terminated.It shall not  be  obligatory  on  the  part  of  GRSE  to  offer  any  employment  to  the
apprentice on completion of period of apprenticeship training.
ix)   Suppression  of  information  /  facts  will  lead  to  disqualification  at  any  stage  of selection process.
x)    Please note that candidature of the candidate is liable to be cancelled if he/she
submits more than one application for same post.
xi)   Candidates may be asked for submission of any additional documentary evidence in support of eligibility of the applicants.
xii)  The Apprentices shall have to arrange Boiler Suit, Safety Shoes, Helmet and shall
follow Safety Rules during their Apprenticeship Training
xiii)  Rules/guidelines, as may be prescribed by the Govt./framed by GRSE from time to time, shall apply.
xiv) For any dispute, the Jurisdiction shall be Kolkata.
xv)  All  correspondence  with  candidates  shall  be  done  through  e-mail  only.  All information regarding schedule of Document Verification, Medical test, Joining etc.
shall be provided through e-mail / uploading on GRSE website. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of information shall be of the candidate only.
GRSE will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent, due to invalid / wrong e- mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mails to Spam/Bulk mail folder or for delay / non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/ her mail/
website in time or DND activated mobile no. etc. GRSE will not be responsible for any postal delay also.
xvi) Corrigendum/Addendum/Updates would be uploaded only on GRSE website
xvii) Decision of GRSE Management in all matters related to the engagement process of
Apprentices like eligibility, acceptance/rejection of any application etc. will be final and binding on the candidates and no inquiry / correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
xviii) Any form of canvassing will disqualify the candidature.

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