Recruitment of various post in CONSTABLE (COMMUNICATION)OF ODISHA

Faaip | Monday 27 September 2021



Advertisement No-144 /SBCC                                                                                         Date: 13.09.2021

Date of commencement of online application: 13/09/2021 (09:00 hours)

Last date and time of online application submission: 04/10/2021 (23:59 hours) Last date and time of online Payment: 04/10/2021 (23:59 hours)

Dateof Computer Based Recruitment Examination (Tentative): 15/11/2021 to 20/11/2021


The Selection Board, Constable Communication, Odisha Police will hold an open competitive examination   for   recruitment   of   Constable   (Communication)   in   Odisha   Police.   The   detailed information regarding method of recruitment of Constable (Communication) is available inHomeDepartment Notification No.30937/D&A.,dtd.02.09.2021and also on Odisha Police websitewhich can be accessed at .

01.       Vacancies:

The category-wise break-up of the total number of posts to be filled up by this recruitment is as follows:


ST                      Scheduled Tribe
SC                      Scheduled Caste
SEBC                 Socially & Educationally Backward Class
UR                     Un-Reserved Ex-SM              Ex-Serviceman HG                     Home Guard
Gr-D                  Group-D
W                       Women 

The numbers of vacant posts to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment process are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Board, which will be duly notified in the link .
02.       Reservation:
(1)       Notwithstanding anythingcontained in these rules, reservation of vacancies or posts, as the case may be, for:
(a) Scheduled  Castes  and  Scheduled  Tribes  shall  be  made  in  accordance  with  the provisions   of   the   Odisha   Reservation   of   vacancies   in   posts   and   services   (for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Act,1975 and the Rules made thereunder, and
(b) SEBCs, Women, Sportspersons and Ex-servicemen shall be made in accordance with the provisions made under such Acts, rules, orders or instructions as issued in this behalf by the Government from time to time.
(2)       There   shall   be   10%   reservation   of   notified   vacancies   in   the   rank   of   Constable (Communication) in Signal Establishments for Home Guards in each recruitment year. The reservation would be made as per the guidelines issued by the  Government from time to time to this effect.
Provided that, unfilled vacancies, if any, may be filled up by open market candidate in accordance with the provisions of this order.
(3)       There shall be 10% reservation limited to 10 of notified vacancies in the rank of Constable (Communication) for Group ‘D’ employees of the entire Policeestablishmentin each recruitment year. The reservation would be made as per the guidelines issued by the Government from time to time to this effect. Provided that, unfilled vacancies if any, may be filled up by open market candidates in accordance with the provisions of this order.
03.       Scale of Pay & Condition of Service:
During the period of contractual appointment, they shall draw monthly remuneration at the following rates as applicable to their number of completed years of service in accordance with Govt.
of Odisha, G.A. & P.G. Dept. Notification No.19574-GAD-SC-RULES-0037-2017/GEN dtd. 12.09.2017 (copy enclosed).

04. Age:

a)  The candidates shall not be less than 18 years and not more than 23 years of age as on
1st January 2021.
Note: Date of Birth recorded in the High School Certificate such as Board of Secondary Education  of Odisha,  Cuttack/Central Board  of Secondary  Education,  New Delhi/Indian Council  of  Secondary  Education,  New  Delhi  or  equivalent  Certificate  issued  by  the concerned Board/Council will only be acceptable to the Board. 
b) The     upper     age     limit     is     relaxed     by     5     years     in     respect     of theSC/ST/SEBC/Women candidates. However, a candidate can avail only one type of age relaxation as per rules.
c)   For ex-servicemen, the relaxation shall be to the extent of the entire period of service rendered in the Armed Forces.
d)  For Group-‘D’ employees, age must not be more than 43 years on the 1st day of January
2021 and they must have completed 5 years of continuous service in Group-‘D’ on the date of advertisement for the post with good service record and without any major
e) For Home Guard, age must not be more than 28 years on the 1st  January 2021. They must have completed 3 years of enrolment without any interruption on the date on which the advertisement for recruitment is published and they must have undergone the basic course of training for Home Guards.
Note:The Ex-Servicemenhaving more than six months for discharge/retirement from the service as on the last date of submission of online application form are not eligible to apply for the post. However, such candidates, who are due fordischarge/retirement within six months from the last date of submission of online application, are eligible to apply for the posts. All such candidates shall have to submit the Discharge Certificate (or NOC in lieu of Discharge Certificate) before the Board, as and when required, for considering their claims under ex-servicemen category.
Once  an  ex-serviceman  has  joined  the  Government  Service  in  civil  side  after  availing  the benefit as an ex-serviceman for his re-employment, his ex-serviceman status for the purpose of re- employment  in  Govt.  jobs  shall  cease  to  exist.  In  such  cases,  he  can  avail  age  relaxation  only. However, as per clause-4 of O.M.No.36034/2014-Esst. (Res) dtd.14.08.2014 of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, if an ex- serviceman applied for various posts before joining any Civil Employment, he/she can avail of the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for any subsequent employment, provided the applicant shall,   as   soon   as   joining   any   civil   employment,   furnishaself-declaration/undertaking   to   the concerned employer about the date wise details of application for various posts for which he/she has applied before joining in the said establishment. The applicant should furnish the copy of above declaration duly endorsed by the employer, as and when required by the Board, for consideration of the claim under ex-serviceman category. Border Security Force, Indian Coast Guard, CRPF and other Para Military Forces are not within the definition of ex-servicemen.
Similarly, the upper age limit is relaxed for in-service contractual employees engaged by the Government or through Manpower Service Provider agencies in the State Government Offices or the State Government of Odisha, who have completed at least one year of continuous service on the date of publication of Odisha Group-C & Group-D posts Contractual Appointment Rules, 2013 and Group- B posts (Contractual appointment) Rules, 2013. As such they must be less than 45 years as on 1st January 2021. They should furnish the required certificate as per Clause-7of the said Rule, as and when required by the Board.
05. Educational Qualifications:
To  be  eligible  for  the  post,  the  candidate  must  have  passed  +2  Examinations  or equivalent Examination in science with (1) Physics (2) Chemistry and (3) Mathematics or
Electronics or Statistics or Computer Science or Information Technology conducted by the
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha or by any other recognised Board or Council; or
passed the 3 years Diploma course in Engineering subjects approved/offered by State Council for Technical Education &Vocational Training, Odisha (Annexure F) or by All India Council for
Technical Education/ University Grant Commission.
06. General Eligibility Criteria:
A  candidate,  in  order  to  be  eligible  for  direct  recruitment  to  the  post  of  Constable
(Communication), must: 
a)         be a citizen of India;
b)         be of good moral and character;
c) Be of sound health and physique, he should be free from any organic defect and body infirmity.
d)         be able to speak, read and write Odia;
e)         Must  have  passed  Odia  as  one  of  the  subjects  in  the  High  School  Certificate
Examinations   or   an   examination   in   Odia   language   equivalent   to   ME   standard recognised or conducted by the School and Mass Education Department of Government
of Odisha;
f)          not have more than one spouse living;
g)         not have been convicted for any criminal offence.
07. Certificates / Documents:

a) Candidates of SC/ST/SEBC category shall submit aself-attested photocopy of updated caste certificate, issued by the competent authority.
b) HSC or equivalent pass certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council in support of declaration of age/ date of birth.
c)         Pass  Certificate  of  +2 Examinations or equivalent Examination in science with (1)
Physics, (2) Chemistry, and (3) Mathematics or Electronics or Statistics or Computer Science or Information Technology conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha or by any other recognised Board or Council; or passed the 3 years Diploma course in Engineering subjects approved/ offered by State Council for Technical  Education  &  Vocational  Training,  Odisha  (Annexure  F)  or  by  All  India Council for Technical Education/ University Grant Commission.
d) In case of Ex-Servicemen, an attested copy of Identity Card & Discharge Certificate or NOC (applicable for those who will be discharged within 6 months from the last date of submission  of  application)and  the  documents  indicating  date  of  joining,  date  of
discharge and the period of service rendered in Defence services along with an undertaking   that   he   has   not   availed   of   the   benefit   as   ex-serviceman   for   his employment earlier (Format given in Annexure- B).
e)         In case of “Sportsperson”,an attested copy of Identity Card for Sportsperson issued by
the Director, Sports, Government of Odisha as per Resolution No. 24808/Gen, dated the 18th November 1985 of General Administration Department and amended from time to time.
f)          Applicants shall submit a passing certificate of Odia as one of the subjects in HSC
Examination ora certificate of passing an examination in Odia Language equivalent to M.E. standard recognised or conducted by the School and Mass Education Dept. of Govt. of Odisha.
g)         For claim of weightage mark of NCC, the candidate shall submit theNCC‘A’ or 'B' or 'C'
h) In-Service contractual employees claiming age relaxation and contractual in-service benefits must submit a Certificate from employer (Format given in Annexure-C).
i) Self-attested  copy  of  any  of  the  Identity  Card  such  as  Aadhar  Card/Voter  ID/PAN Card/Passport/D.L.   etc   issued   by   competent   Govt.   Authority,   with   candidates'
photograph therein.
j) In case of candidates already in Government Service, No Objection Certificate from the employer.
k)         In case of Transgender, a certificate of Identity issued by the District Magistrate under
Rule  5  of  the  Transgender  Persons  (Protection  of  Rights)  Rules  2020  read  with section6 of The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act,2019.

08.  Examination  Fees:The  candidates,  except  SC  &  ST  category,  shall  pay  a  non-refundable examination fee of Rs.220/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Twenty) only. The fees shall be deposited 
only through online mode using Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card.No refund/charge back will be allowed in case of double payments.

•          Advisory to candidates making card-based payment
o It is seen that the payers at times try to make online payment without enabling their cards (debit/credit) to carry such transaction (RBI guideline October 2020). Therefore, the candidates shall have to enable their cards through their banks for making contactless payments.
09. Last date of submission of applications:
The last date for online submission of Application in response to this advertisement is 23:59 hours of Dt. 04/10/2021.
10. How to Apply:
Applications, complete in all respect, must be submitted in online mode only on the application portal as per procedure explained in Annexure -A.
11. Plan of Examination/Scheme of Examination:
The recruitment examination shall consist of the following stages:

a.   There will not be any Viva-voce and Psychological Test.
b.   The written Test will be conducted in the mode of Computer Based Recruitment Examination
(CBRE).In CBRE mode the Test will be conducted on a computer. The candidate will be able to see the question, along with its answer options, on the computer screen and will be required
to mark the correct answer on the computer screen itself with the help of mouse. Medium of
the Examination shall be in English, except the questions in Odia language. The question will be objective type in Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format. Questions can be attempted in
any  order  within  the  prescribed  time  limit  for  the  Test.  Once the time  limit  is over,  the candidates will not be able to attempt any question. Each question will carry 1 Mark. There shall  be  negative  marking  @0.25  for  each  wrong  answer.  No  Mark  will  be  awarded  or
deducted  for  un-answered  questions.  Practice/Mock  Test  will  be  available  on  the  link for familiarisation with the pattern of Examination, about one week prior to the Examination.
c.   Tentative Answer Keys will be placed on the links
after the examination. Applicants may go through the answer keys and submit representation, if any, within 3 days of uploading of the answer keys, on payment of Rs.1000/- per question.
Any representation regarding the answer key received within the time limits fixed by the
Board, will be scrutinised before finalising the answer keys, and decision of the Board in this regard will be Final. No representation regarding answer keys shall be entertained thereafter.
If any representation is found valid, the paid amount shall be refunded to the applicant.
d.   Normalisation: Depending on the number of applicants, CBRE may be held in multiple shifts on number of days. In all Shifts/Days questions will be of same standard and normalisation will be done to adjust the difficulty level across different shifts of the Exam.
12. Syllabus:
Written Test shall consist of objective type multiple choice questions in two parts:
Part  A  (25  Marks):  Comprising  of  questions  in  Odia  Language,  English  Language,  Arithmetic, Aptitude Test and Logical Reasoning, etc. The standard of question shall be of +2 standard.
Part B (75 marks): Comprising of questions to test the knowledge in Physics and Computer Science
of + 2 standard.
13.  Measurement of Physical Standards& Physical Efficiency Test (qualifying)
Candidates, three times the number of vacancies (category wise), basing on their performance in the CBRE, will be called to appear for the physical standards measurement and only those qualifying in the same shall be allowed to participate in thephysical efficiency test. The date and venue of Physical Standards Measurement and Physical Efficiency Test will be uploaded on the link candidates qualifying in the CBRE can access the linkto ascertain the date, venue and time of the test and to appear for the same. This test is qualifying in nature and will carry no marks. The candidate must qualify in each of the Physical Standards and Physical Efficiency Tests as detailed below. Failure at any stage will lead to disqualification.
(a) Physical Standard Measurements:
Note: 1.           Any grievance or complaint duringthecourse of the Physical Standards Measurement and Physical Efficiency Test should be brought to the notice of the Chairman of the Board instantly on the very day before completion of the Test and the decision of the Chairman of the Board in this regard shall be final and binding.
2.          Candidates should appear in the Physical Test at their own risk. The Board will not take any responsibility nor will accept any liability for any injury; damage or any type of loss that may  accrue  to  a  candidate  during  the  course  of  the  Physical  Test.  Candidates  should  certify themselves that they are physically and mentally fit to undertake the Physical Test.
14.Marks for NCC Certificate: These marks shall be awarded after due verification of original certificates as below: 
NCC ‘A’ Certificate: 01 Mark NCC ‘B’ Certificate: 02 Marks NCC ‘C’ Certificate: 03 Marks
15. Place and Date of Computer Based Recruitment Examination (CBRE):
The specific date/time/venue of the CBRE and Physical Standards Measurement and Physical Efficiency Testwillbe conveyed in due course through the link An alert message will also be sent to candidates on their registered email id /mobile number. Candidates, after applying for the post, are advised to visit the link given above to know further updates about the examination, as and when uploaded. Adequate measures will be taken to conduct the Computer Based Recruitment Examination (CBRE) as per the choices preferred by the candidate. However, the Selection Board, Constable (Communication) reserves the right to fix the Examination Centres as per its discretion. No request for change of Examination Centres will be entertained.
16. Admit Card:
The Admit Card of eligible candidates shall be available for download on the link the date of the CBRE is announced. The candidates
are advised to download their Admit Cards and take a printout thereof. The Admit Card will carry intimation about the date, time and venue of the CBRE, and will bear the scanned photograph and scanned  signature  of  the  candidate  with  facsimile  signature  of  the  Chairman  of  the  Board. The eligible  candidates  will  have  to  produce  the  Admit  Card  at  the allotted  examination  centre  for appearing in the examinations/tests. New Admit Card/Call Letter will be issued to the eligible candidate for appearing in the Physical Standards Measurement and Physical Efficiency Test.
Note:  No  Admit  Card/  call  letter  at  any  stage  will  be  despatched  to  any  candidate  by Post.No candidate shall be allowed to appear the examination / test without the above mentioned Admit Card / Call Letter.
17. Selection Procedure:
Following the Physical Efficiency Test, acommon Merit List shall be prepared basing on the sum total of marks secured by the candidate in the Computer Based Recruitment Examination (CBRE) and weightage marks in NCC certificate. The candidates shall be selected category wise in order of merit as per vacancies notified in the advertisement.The result will be published in due course on the link .
18. Disqualification:
Any attempt, on the part of candidate to obtain undue support for his candidature, by any means, will entail disqualification by the Board at any stage of the examination and the decision of the Board in this regard shall be final and binding.
19. Penalty:
A candidate who is or has been declared by the Board to be guilty of:
a)  Obtaining undue support for his candidature by any means; or b)  Impersonation; or
c)   Procuring impersonation by any person; or
d)  Submitting fake and fabricated documents, or documents which have been tampered with; or e)  Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information; or
f)   Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his candidature for the examination; or
g)  Adopting unfair means during the examination; or
h)  Misbehaving with fellow examinees or the invigilators in any manner in the examination hall;
i)   Harassing or causing bodily harm to the staff employed/engaged by theBoard for the conduct of the examination; or
j)   Violating any of the instructions contained in the Admit Card; or 
k)  Attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses, shall be liable –
i.  to be disqualified by the Board from the examination for which he is acandidate; or
ii.   to be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period by the Board, for appearing in any examination or selection held by them; or by the State Government, from entering to any employment under them; or
iii.  if  the  candidate  is  already  in  service  under  Government,  disciplinary action  under  the appropriate rules;
iv.  Legal action, as applicable under the relevant provisions of law;
Provided that, no penalty under this order shall be imposed except after:
a)         giving the candidate an opportunity of making such representation before the Board or
Government, as the case may be, in writing as he / she may wish to make in that behalf, and b)         taking into consideration the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate within the
period allowed to him by the Board or the Government, as the case may be.
20. Appointment:
No candidate shall be appointed from the Selection list, without

a)  Verification of his/her character and antecedents.
b)  Submission  of  his/her  Medical  Fitness  Certificate  issued  by  the  CDMO  of  the  concerned
c)   Verification of original certificates of his eligibility for the post. This will include certificates of age, caste/ category and educational qualifications, etc.
21. Advisory:
a)  Candidates  shallvisitthe  link  to  time,  for
detailed information/updates about the recruitment.
b)  Mobile phone or any other communication device is not allowed into the premises of the
Board examination centre. The candidates are advised not to bring any such banned items to the examination centre venue. Any infringement of these instructions will entail debarment of the concerned candidate from the particular examination/future examinations.
22. Help Desk:
Applicants may contact the Help Desk for any application related technical queries at the following number/email id.
Phone Number: 9513850031.
Timing: 10:00 hrs - 18:00 hrs Monday to Saturday (Except on National Holidays)

Note: The above Help Desk is only for online application related technical queries pertaining to payment, OTP, User ID, Password, Application Download, Payment Receipt Download and likewise. For any other issues please refer to the advertisement.
By order
Chairman, SelectionBoardConstable (Communication) 


Annexure – A 
Before proceeding to fill the application, the following be kept in readiness;
a)  Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP)
b)  Email ID
c)   Scanned colour passport size recent photograph in JPEG format (35 KB to 50 KB). d)  Scanned signature in JPEG format (25 KB to 50 KB)
e)  In order to meet the specified image file size of photo & signature, candidate can get them resized by visiting any online file converter website.
f)   Candidate can also refer the reference guide for resizing the image on both photo and signature upload page.

Process of filling online application:The applicant should read the advertisement carefully before filling up the application form. The process of filling online application for the examination consists of two parts:

1-  Basic Registration (New Candidate)
2-  Login (Only Registered Candidate)

I.           Basic  Registration  (New  Candidate):  This  is  for  generating  the  application
Number andPassword.

a)  To register first time, click on "Register" on
b)  Read INSTRUCTIONS carefully and click the check box to acknowledge the same and proceed. The applicant will not be able to proceed further without doing so.
c)   Fill up the details in the "Basic Registration" form. Due care should be taken while filling details for Basic Registration as these details will be auto fetched in Detailed Registration and no changes will be permitted later. Enter the following details required for Basic Registration:
i)          Applicant’s  Full  Name  (First  Name,  Middle  Name,  Last  Name)  as  given  in
Matriculation (10th Class) Certificate ii)         Educational Qualification
iii)        Gender iv)        Category
v)         Ex-Serviceman details, if applicable. vi)        Home Guard details, if applicable. vii)       Group D details, if applicable.
viii)      Date    of    Birth    (Fill    your    date    of    birth    as    given    in    H.S.C    (10th
Class) Certificate.
ix)        Email
x)         Confirm Email ID
xi)        Mobile Number
xii)       Click the ‘Mobile OTP’. An OTP will be sent to your Mobile number. Enter the
xiii)     Type the verification code (Captcha) as displayed on the screen. xiv)      Click the check box for declaration.
xv)       Click ‘Submit’.
xvi)      Your data  will  be  saved  and  an  application  number  will  be  displayed  / generated on the screen. The Application number and Password for first time login will be sent to your mobile number and Email ID. 
II.         Detailed Registration (For registered user login):
a)  In order to fill in the Application form candidate needs to click the link available under "For registered user login” present in the Form Link section. The same will redirect the candidate to the login page of the Application Form. The candidate needs to login using the 'Application Number' and ‘Date of Birth' he/she received after registration though e-mail as well as SMS in the registered mobile number & e-mail id.
b)  Once the candidate successfully logged in to the application form, he/she will be getting 4 tabs as follows.
1. Personal and Educational Details
2. Photograph and Signature Page (Includes Document upload)
3. Preview
4. Payment
c)   All the detail data/information required in the above 4 tabs need to be furnished correctly by the candidate. The details submitted by the candidate during submission of the registration form will be auto populated in the respective fields of the application form.
d)  The  candidate  has  the  option  of  filling  the  application  form  in  more  than  one session but before logging out he/she needs to ensure that all the data filled in by him/her has been saved successfully by clicking "Save & Continue button" available in the end of each tab. Login by using the Application number and Password received in the candidate’s mobile and email after Basic Registration. Change the password on first login.
Note: The basic details ofName/Gender/E-mail ID/ Mobile Number will be auto fetched from the
‘Basic Registration’ and are non-editable.
1) Personal Details:
I.      Enter your Father’s / Husband’s name and Mother’s Name as per standard record.
II.      Nationality
III.      Religion
IV.      Marital Status
V.      Living spouse details
VI.      ID Proof details
VII. Details of NCC certificate, if applicable. VIII.      Details about Sports Quota, if applicable
IX.      Criminal case details, if any
X.      Enter your complete Permanent and Communication address with Pin code.
2) Education Details:
Please furnish details of following educational qualifications;
i)          10thClass Examination
ii) 12thClass or Equivalent examination in Science with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics or Electronics, or Statistics, or Computer Science, or Information Technology.
iii) 3-YrsDiploma Course inEngineering Subjects approved/offered by State Council for Technical  Education  and Vocational Training, Odisha(Annexure F) or All India Council for Technical Education /UGC.
Note:Candidates must have completed (passed) the required qualification and must be in possession of required education certificates/degree as on the date of submission of application. Candidates 
who have appeared or are appearing for the required qualification and do not have educational certificates/degree are not eligible to apply for this recruitment.
Proceed further to next part of the Detailed Registration.
3)  Photo Upload:
a)  Upload your recent Scanned image of Color Passport size Photo - Size 35 KB-50 KB of file format JPG or JPEG only.
Note: If the photograph is not recent (within six months) and clear, the application is liable to be rejected.
4) Signature Upload:
b)  Upload your clear Scanned image of Signature - Size 25 KB-50 KB of file format JPG or
JPEG only.
Note: If the scanned image of signature is not clear, the application is liable to be rejected.
5) Preview:
At this stage, the applicant can preview the application to check the contents. Applicant can also take the print out of the Preview page by using browser print option (Ctrl +P) and check the correctness of the application. The Preview page printed will not be considered as having submitted the application form. In case any correction is required, the applicant can do the same on respective pages of application. Once the applicant has thoroughly verified all the contents of his / her online application, the applicant shall proceed to furnish the declarations. Thereafter, he / she shall submit the application by clicking the “Submit and Proceed to Pay/ “Submit Application Form” button. No changes in application are permissible after this.
1.4 Mode of Payment of Fee:
Applicant can make payment through Online (using Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card).
a) If an applicant initiates an online payment but does not receive a successful payment response, then the system will allow the applicant to re-initiate the payment only after
45  minutes  from  the  time  of  initiation  of  first  payment  attempt.  However,  if  the
applicant’s payment is rejected then the applicant will be allowed to make another
payment attempt immediately.
b) On successful payment of applicable application fee, the applicant will receive an Email and SMS of successful payment.
c) Once  the  fee  has  been  successfully  paid,  the  payment  status  will  accordingly  get updated in the system.
d)         Confirm and submit for final submission of the application.
e) After successful submission, the candidate may download and take the print out of the application form from the Dashboard Page.
Note 1: Incomplete applications, applications without fee payment and applications not submitted properly  will  not  be  accepted  in  any  circumstances  and  summarily  rejected.  No  representation against such rejection will be entertained.
Note 2: When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted provisionally.
Note 3: The applicants should note that particulars mentioned in the online application will be considered as final and after submission of the online application form, no change/ edit / correction/ modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Requests/Correspondence received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand, etc. shall not be entertained.

List of Engineering Subjects Approved/Offered by State Council for Technical Education and
Vocational Training, Odisha.

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