Recruitment of various post in SECUNDERABAD CANTONMENT BOARD

Faaip | Tuesday, 5 October 2021



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No. SCB/GEN/Recruitment/2020-21 


Online applications were invited for direct recruitment to the vacant posts in the Secunderabad

Cantonment Board through recruitment portal i.e. vide advertisement dated

15.07.2021 published on 31.07.2021 in employment news, Sakshi and Times of India. A corrigendum is being issued for the posts of Assistant Cantonment Planner and Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Sr. No. 1& 2 of the advertisement dated 15.07.2021) which is as follows.  The interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria can apply online from 19.09.2021 to 09.10.2021. The Candidates who have already applied for the concerned posts are not required to apply again. It is to mention that the Secunderabad Cantonment Board is an autonomous local body & services of its employees are governed with Cantonment Fund Servant Rules 1937.

Note - Applications which are incomplete in any respect, not accompanied by requisite photographs, Signature, essential qualification or without requisite fee or not properly filled are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained.

6. Admit-Card / Call letter for Online Test:  -Applications will be scrutinized and only eligible candidates  would be intimated online at website/portal about the date, time and venue for conduct of  Test. Further, the admit card will be generated online for eligible Candidates, which can be downloaded by the  candidates.
Candidates  are  required  to  visit  our  website/portal   regularly  to check  any  information  or  any  amendments  or  updates  regarding  said  recruitment  and  time schedule for  online test.

7.          Eligibility Criteria: -
i) The candidate must be a citizen of India.
ii) The candidate must fulfill the minimum essential qualifications like educational qualification, caste, age, experience etc. as stipulated in this advertisement.
iii) The cut-off date for age will be last date of receipt of application.
iv) If there are two or more candidates in the same category having equal marks in the examination, the candidate  older in age will get preference.

8.          General Conditions:-
a) The number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable for modification including reduction with reference to vacancy position at any time before finalization of
b) The service of the appointed candidate / person will be governed under Cantonment Fund
Servant Rules, 1937 as amended from time to time, Cantonments Act, 2006, New Pension
Scheme as amended from time to time by the Central Govt.
c)  Probation  Period:-  Appointment  of  selected  candidates  shall  be  provisional  as  per
Cantonment Fund Servant Rules, 1937 as amended from time to time.
d) No conveyance, TA/DA or any other allowance will be paid for appearing for the Online test/ Skill test
e) Candidates already serving in any recognized institution, autonomous body or Central/State
Government  undertaking  should  apply  through  proper  channel  and  should  submit  such documents at the time of verification of documents.
f) The above posts are on permanent basis and probation period will be as per rules. The CEO
reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons thereof.
g) If the applicant wishes to apply for more than one post, separate application for each post
should be made through online mode.
h) Applications and fee payment received through offline mode will be summarily rejected and the candidates are advised to apply only through online.
i)The appointment authority shall draw a reserve panel / waiting list in addition to the number
of candidates selected as per the notified vacancies. The reserve panel / waiting list shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of declaration of result and the vacancies arising
due to non-acceptance of the  offer of appointment,  candidates  not joining the  post after
acceptance of appointment or the candidates not being found eligible for appointment after verification of documents / certificates or due to resignation of selected candidate(s) within one year of joining the post, shall be filled-up from this reserve panel / waiting list.
j)  The  candidates  should  note  that  their  admission  to  the  examination  will  be  purely provisional based on the information given by them in the Application Form. This will be
subject to verification of all the eligibility conditions by the Competent Authority.
k) The final selection of the candidate is subject to the medical fitness certificate to be issued by the medical officer appointed by the CEO, Secunderabad Cantonment. 
9.          Scrutiny of documents along with Online generated Application: -
After considering the merit list the shortlisted candidate will be called for verification /
scrutiny of documents. The following original Documents / Certificates and one set of self- attested copies, along with hard copy of print out of online application are to be produced at that time at the time of verification/scrutiny of documents.

(a) Computer generated Application form duly signed by the candidate. (b) Proof of Date of Birth
(c) Two latest colour passport size photographs.
(d) Original Certificates of requisite academic qualification with detail marks. (e) Caste / Disability certificate (wherever applicable).
(g) Address proof (Domicile Certificate). The original documents as mentioned above
of the shortlisted candidates will be checked & verified at office of the Secunderabad Cantonment Board, Secunderabad and further the appointing authority will undertake an exercise of verification of character and antecedents of the Candidates. The appointment  will   be  provisional  and  subject  to  verification  of  Character  and antecedents of the Candidate. It may be noted that document verification is just another stage in the selection process. Merely being called for verification of documents does not indicate that his / her name will appear in the final merit list. Candidature of candidate may be cancelled at any stage and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

10. Rejection:- The following acts of commission would render the candidature/ application as disqualified / rejected: -
(a) Not meeting the laid down mandatory essential qualifications. (b) Furnishing of false, inaccurate or tampered information.
(c) Obtaining support for his candidature through unfair means.
(d) Impersonation by any person.
(e) Submitting fabricated / false documents.
(f) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information. (g)  Resorting  to  any  other  irregular  or  improper  means  in  connection  with  his
candidature for the selection.
(h) Improper / Incomplete filling of application.
(i) More than one application submitted for the same post.

11.        How to apply online for the Posts:-
(1)        (a)  Before  applying,  the  Candidates  are  advised  to  go  through  this  advertisement carefully for determining their eligibility as per laid down criteria for the post.
(b) Candidate will be required to complete the Online Application Form, the instruction for which is available at the above mentioned site. The time gap to fill complete online application will be 30 minutes.
(c) Before starting the filling up of online application, the candidate must have his / her photograph and signature duly scanned in the .jpg format.
(d) The admission at all stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
(e) Candidates are required to apply ONLINE at   No other means / mode of application will be accepted. Candidates are required to have valid e- mail identification and active mobile number and there should not be any change for contact till the selection process is completed.
(2)        For  submission  of  application,  visit  the  website/portal  of click on New User Registration.
a) Select Secunderabad from drop down option in the Cantt Board. 
b) Select the post to apply from the drop down option.
c) Enter your mobile Number (working) and click to get OTP. d) You will receive the OTP on your mobile.
e) Thereafter, fill the OTP and validation code (CAPTCHA) and click on submit. (3)         The procedure /steps for filling up of application online is briefed below:
STEP 1 : Submission of Application details.
STEP 2 : Uploading of scanned Photograph and Signature. STEP 3 : Payout of application fee online ( if applicable)
(4)         The application shall be treated complete only if all the three mandatory Steps (Step-1, Step-2, and Step-3) are completed successfully.
(5)        In case candidates are not able to submit fee by closing date, or the application is otherwise is incomplete, his/her candidature will be rejected.
(6)        Applicant  can  view  the  application  details  from  the  already  registered  user  section available on the home page by providing application Number and E-mail id. Applicant is required to ensure that photograph & Signature is visible and fee status changed to paid otherwise application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected.
(7)       Check list: Following document(s) should be kept handy before applying online:
a) Credit Card/Debit card/ Bank details.
b) Scanned image of Photographs (JPG format, size between 20-40 KB)
c) Scanned image of Signature (JPG format, size between 10-20 KB)
(8)        For    further    details    and    online    application,    please    log    on    Website/Portal:
(9)         The vacancies advertised are provisional. Decision of the competent Authority would be final with the Recruitment including cancellation of Recruitment process at any stage and no Correspondence in the regard will be entertained.
(10)       After submitting the online Application, the candidates are required to preserve the print out of the finally submitted Online application for the post Applied for.
(11)     The Candidates are advised to submit the Online Application well in advance without waiting for closing date.
(12)      Neither the print out of the application nor any document should be sent to this office while applying for the post.
(13)      Applicant should avoid submitting multiple applications for a post.

1. The decision of CEO, Secunderabad in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application,  eligibility/suitability  of  a  candidate  etc  shall  be  final  and  binding  for  all  the candidates.
2. The candidate should have valid email ID and a working mobile number for applying for the examination. The applicants are advised not to change the email ID or Mobile number during the process of recruitment. They are also advised not to give mobile number/email Id to any unknown person to avoid any complication.
3. After the examination, details regarding marks obtained by each candidate will be placed on the recruitment portal and the website of the Cantonment Board, Secunderabad
4. The applicants are advised to login at regular interval on the website/portal i.e. using his/her application number to check any update regarding the examination.
5.  The  admit  cards  of  provisionally  eligible  candidates  will  be  uploaded  on  the  website candidates will have to download the admit cards from there only as No hard copy of admit card will be sent to the applicants by post or by email.
6. Any doubts/clarifications regarding the application can be cleared from the office of the
Cantonment Board Secunderabad on any working day between working hours.
7. The candidates are advised to visit the website regularly to be in touch with information /
updation regarding the examination.
8. Any corrigendum/change regarding the examination will only be notified through the website and no other medium of giving information to candidates will be incorporated.
9. The exact date of the online test will be updated through the website The candidates are advised to check the website regularly.

(i) The appointing authority makes provisional selection of the candidates on the basis of information provided in the application and documents/certificate provided by the candidate at the time of scrutiny and subsequently, the Appointing Authority verifies and satisfies itself about the authenticity of documents/certificates and eligibility as per the Recruitment Rules before finally appointing the candidates. Therefore, the provisional selection of a candidate confers on him/her no right of appointment unless the Appointing Authority is satisfying after such inquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respect for appointment to the post.
(ii) The services of the selected candidates on appointment will be governed by the provision of Cantonment Fund Servant Rules 1937 as amended from time to time, Cantonment Act 2006 and Govt. Instructions issued from time to time.
(iii) The candidate should not have been convicted by any court of law. Also, No Disciplinary/Vigilance  case  should  be  contemplated/pending  against  the  candidates  already serving in Govt. Organizations.
(iv) The vacancies advertised are provisional and likely to be permanent. In case the vacancy position is reduced to any number, the Board is not liable to compensate the applicant for any consequential damage/loss.
(v) The appointing authority reserves the right to reject the candidature of any ineligible candidate at any stage of recruitment.
(vi)  The  appointing  authority  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  a  part  of  or  entire  process  of examination or a part of it due to administrative reason (s) and in case of unfair means, cheating or other irregularities/malpractice noticed by the appointing authority. The appointing authority also reserves the right to cancel or set up a new examination center and divert the candidates to appear at that examination center if required.
(vii) No correspondence in regard to the appointment will be entertained.
(viii) No representation on any grounds for non-appearance for the written test/skill test by the candidates will be entertained and his/her candidature will not be considered in such an eventuality.
(ix) TA/DA will not be admissible for attending tests as the case may be.
(x)  The  Appointing  authority  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  any  center  of  exam  and  ask  the candidates of that center to appear at another center. No request for change in date, time and centre of exam will be accepted under any circumstances.
(xi) The candidature of the candidate to the written test is entirely provisional and mere issue of admit card or appearance at Examination does not entitle him/her to any claim for the post.
(xii) The candidates should scrupulously follow the instructions given by the Center in charge, Invigilators and all examination functionaries at every stage of exam. If a candidate violates the instructions, his/her candidature will be cancelled. 
(xiii) Examination will be conducted online mode.
(xiv) The appointing authority reserves the right to cancel or modify the advertisement or part of it at any stage. The Number of vacancies is provisional and subject to change (increase or decrease).
(xv) Use of calculator, Laptop, Palmtop, other Digital/electronic instrumental/mobile/cell phone, Paper etc are not allowed. In case of any candidate is found to be in possession of any gadgets/instrument, he/she would be debarred from the examination and legal proceeding can also be initiated against the candidates.
(xvi) Candidates are advised not to bring any of the above gadgets in the examination center as no arrangements for keeping any security of these items would be available at the centers.
(xvii) Candidates are required to visit our website regularly to check the latest updates, corrigendum, Downloading of Admit Card, Time & Date for written test and other information regarding recruitment process.
(xviii) All the applicants are required to be present well in advance time on the date & venue before the commencement of written test. Any delay in presence will be marked as absent.
[B Ajith Reddy]
Chief Executive Officer, Secunderabad Cantonment Board.


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