Recruitment of various post in INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED

Faaip | Monday, 24 October 2022

 INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) Refineries Division

                                                                                                                             Date: 24-09-2022

Advertisement Nos.- Guwahati- GR/P/APP/2022-23; Barauni- BR/HR/APPR/2022-23; Gujarat- JR/01/2022; Haldia-HR/RECTT/01/2022(APP); Mathura- MR/HR/APP/2022; Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex (PRPC)- PR/P/Apprentice/55 (2022-23); Digboi- DR/TA2022; Bongaigaon - BGR/Appr/2022/01; Paradip – PDR/HR/01/Apprentices-22

Notification for Engagement of Apprentices

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, one of the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” Company, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, invites applications from candidates for engagement as Apprentices at its Refineries under Apprentices Act, 1961/1973 (as amended) in the Trade / Discipline mentioned below.

Educational Qualification, Number of seats in Apprentice category including likely reservation (as per the prescribed reservation of the concerned state) and other eligibility criteria / parameters shall be as under:


1. No. of seats indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the management and in compliance with the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of engagement.

2. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates for filling up the seats against code 110 or 111, the same shall be filled by suitable candidates from code 111 or 110, as the case may be, as per selection criteria and other criteria/parameters.

3. For  PwBD  (Persons  with  Benchmark  Disability)  category,  Govt  of  India  Guidelines  shall  apply.  Candidates belonging to PwBD categories can apply against identified seats under Codes 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110 & 111 only.

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 - Section 2(r) defines “person with benchmark disability” as a person duly
certified by the certifying authority with:
•    not less than 40% of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and
•    a disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms.
The candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by competent authority as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities must be capable of performing the task assigned to them/take instructions using suitable aids and appliances. Engagement of apprentices belonging to PwBD category will be from categories below:
1.  PV-Low vision, Blind                                                                                                               P=Physical;   V=Vision;   H=Hearing; 
2.  PH-Hard of hearing, Deaf
3. PL-Musculoskeletal (OH-OA/OL), Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victim, Cerebral
Palsy, Leprosy Cured
4.  Multiple Disabilities (a combination of above)
L=Locomotors; OH=Orthopaedic Handicap; OA=One Arm;
OL=One Leg 

Deployment of PwBD with other disabilities, may put such PwBDs at risk, considering ours being a hazardous industry, hence not included.


A.   Qualification criteria:

1. The prescribed qualification for Class XII / Graduate / Diploma holders should be from a recognized Board/ University/Institute as a regular full time course in the relevant trade/discipline with minimum 50% marks (45% for SC/ST and PwBD category candidates for the seats reserved for them) in aggregate.

Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade is awarded in the Class XII/ ITI (Fitter)/Degree/Diploma examinations, its equivalent aggregate percentage of marks must be indicated in the On-line Application as per the norms adopted by Board/University/Institute. Candidates will have to furnish certificate from the concerned University/Institute regarding the equivalent aggregate percentage of marks with reference to their CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade at the time of document verification failing which their candidature will not be considered.

2. For  ITI  qualification in  the  relevant  trade,  eligibility  shall  be  pass  marks.  Only  regular  full  time  ITI  course recognised by NCVT/SCVT shall be considered.

3. Diploma / Graduation/ ITI in Branch / Subjects as specified against respective Trade/ Discipline above will ONLY be considered as eligible qualification. Diploma / Graduation/ ITI in other than specified Branch / Subjects shall not be considered.

4.      No Claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to a prescribed qualification shall be entertained.

5. Under Code 110, “Fresher apprentice” will be considered. “Fresher apprentice” means a non-graduate apprentice, who has not undergone any institutional training or skill training, before taking up on-the-job training or practical training under the Apprentices Act, 1961.

6. Under Code 111, Skill Certificate Holders will be considered. Candidates applying against Code 111 with Skill Certificate in ‘Domestic Data Entry Operator’ should possess skill certificate for training of less than one year issued by an awarding body recognised under National Skill Qualifications Framework or any other authority recognised by the Central Govt. in this regard.

7. Candidates possessing Diploma  in  Engineering in  relevant  trade  /  discipline  under  recognized lateral  entry scheme (Class–XII (Sc.)/ ITI admitted in 2nd year of Diploma course) shall also be considered eligible subject to meeting prescribed percentage of marks on the basis of aggregate of all semesters in the diploma course.

8. Candidates holding a qualification acquired through part-time/correspondence/distance education mode are not eligible.

9. Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as BE/B.Tech, MBA, CA, LLB, MCA or any such equivalent qualification or pursuing higher qualification and having completed the same on or before joining 
apprenticeship training, shall not be eligible. A declaration from the candidate in this regard shall be obtained at the time of engagement.

10.   A candidate should not have undergone Apprenticeship Training earlier or has been pursuing Apprenticeship
Training under the Apprentices Act.

11.   Candidates having undergone training and /or having job experience for a period of one year or more after the attainment of the qualification shall not be eligible for being engaged as Technician Apprentices.

12.   Candidates who have completed three years after acquiring the prescribed qualification as on date of reckoning eligibility criteria shall also not be eligible for engagement as Technician Apprentices.

13.   A candidate with B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry) will be allowed to apply for only one Trade/Discipline (either for code 101, 103 or 108) in a Refinery. A candidate with B.Com will be allowed to apply for one Trade/Discipline (either for code 108 or 109) in a Refinery.

14.   Candidates applying for more than one Trade/Discipline will not be considered and their applications will be summarily rejected.

15.   In case the date of declaration of result is not mentioned in the Mark Sheet, the candidate shall be required to submit a certificate mentioning the date of publication of result from the Principal of the School/Polytechnic/ College/Institute from where the candidate pursued his/her Class XII/ITI(Fitter)/Graduation/Diploma course, at the time of Document Verification.

16.   The disciplines/trades notified above involve undertaking training in operations & maintenance activities in plant area. Petroleum Refining is considered as complex and hazardous process and as such Persons with Benchmark Disabilities with the prescribed qualification may be engaged only against the identified seats/numbers in select disciplines, as indicated above. PwBDs are required to submit a certificate issued by an authority prescribed under Section 2(e) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 read with Rule 18 of Rules made thereunder, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidate, will not be considered.

B.   Age Limit:

1. Minimum 18 years and maximum age shall be 24 years as on 30-09-2022 for General/EWS candidates. Relaxation of upper age limit to SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD candidates shall be extended as per Govt. guidelines.

2. Marksheet/Certificate issued by Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation (Class X) Examination shall be the only acceptable document in support of age.

C.   Reservation, Concessions & relaxations to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD/Economically Weaker Sections

1. Reservation for candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC (NCL), PwBD & EWS categories will be in terms of numbers indicated above.

2. However, if the prescribed number of persons belonging either to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes are not available as per Selection criteria and other criteria/parameters, the seats reserved in any trade for them may be filled by persons belonging to the Scheduled Tribes or as the case may be to the Scheduled Caste on the basis of position in the merit list based on marks obtained in the Written Test, meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc. If the reserved seats cannot be filled even in the above given manner, seats so lying unfilled may be filled first by persons belonging to Other Backward Classes on the basis of position in the merit list based on marks obtained in the Written Test, meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc. Seats still remaining unfilled will be filled by candidates belonging to unreserved category on the basis of position in the merit list based on marks obtained in the Written Test, meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc.

Similarly, if seats reserved in any trade for the Other Backward Classes cannot be filled from the Other Backward Classes, then the seats so lying unfilled may be filled by persons belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes on the basis of position in the merit list based on marks obtained in the Written Test, meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc. Seats still remaining unfilled will be filled by candidates belonging to unreserved category on the basis of position in the merit list based on marks obtained in the Written Test, meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc.

Similarly, if seats reserved in any trade for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) cannot be filled from the Economically Weaker Section (EWS),  then the  seats so  lying unfilled may  be  filled by  persons belonging  to unreserved category on the basis of position in the merit list based on marks obtained in the Written Test, meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc.

3. Relaxation in upper age upto 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC (NCL) candidates considered against reserved positions will be allowed. 
4. Relaxation in upper age upto 10 years for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates irrespective of reservation of seats for them. Further, upper age relaxation of 5 years to PwBD candidates belonging to SC/ST category and 3 years to PwBD-OBC(NCL) candidates.

5. A PwBD candidate availing of only age relaxation (no relaxation in eligibility qualification marks/in written test qualifying marks) shall be considered against unreserved seat in order of merit in the select list before being considered against a reserved seat.

6.      Reservation for PwBD categories to be engaged as Apprentices shall be in consistence with Section 34(1) of the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

7.      Reservation in PwBD category will be extended on horizontal basis, against notified numbers of seats in identified

8.      Minimum  prescribed  qualification  marks  will  be  relaxed  by  5%  for  candidates  belonging  to  SC/ST/PwBD
categories considered against reserved positions.

9.      A person with a specified disability listed in the Schedule appended to the Act but not covered under Section
34(1), if certified by a certifying officer as a person with disability of 40% or above, shall be allowed concessions/ relaxations available to PwBDs. They shall be declared successful, if selected on merit against unreserved seats. Their candidature will not be considered/adjusted against reservation provided to PwBDs under Section 34(1) of the Act of 2016.

10.   In case of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of Blind / Cerebral Palsy, the facility of Scribe shall be given, if so desired by the candidate. In case of other category of persons with benchmark disabilities, the provision of scribe can be allowed upon production of a certificate to the effect that the candida te concerned has physical limitation to write and scribe is essential to write examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/  Medical  Superintendent  of  a  Govt.  Healthcare  Institution  as  per  prescribed  Proforma  (Certificate regarding Physical Limitation of an examinee to write). In case the PwBD candidate is desirous of bringing his own Scribe, the  qualification of  the  Scribe should be  one  step  below the  qualification of  the  candidate taking the examination. The person with benchmark disability opting for own Scribe/ Reader should submit details of the own Scribe as per prescribed Proforma (Letter of Undertaking for using own scribe). Both the prescribed proforma are available on website / . Candidates shall send the scanned copy of Proforma duly completed and signed on the email id of the concerned Refinery {please refer to ‘For Queries / Clarification(s)’ below} for which, he/she has submitted the online application, by 25-10-2022.

11.   For claiming the benefit of OBC category, candidates belonging to OBC category as per Govt. of India guidelines, should  submit  caste  certificate  in  the  proforma  prescribed  by  Govt.  of  India,  which  would,  among  others specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No.36012/22/93- Estt.(SCT) dated 08-09-1993, OM No. 36036/2/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 30.05.2014 and OM No. 36033/1/2013- Estt.(Res.) dated 13-09-2017.   The  non-creamy layer status should  be  valid  as  on cut-off  date  of  reckoning eligibility criteria i.e. 30-09-2022.

12. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits.
Accordingly, such candidates may choose to apply for the positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable
to UR candidates and indicate their category as “UR (Unreserved)”.

13.   Candidates belonging to EWS category are required to submit an Income & Asset Certificate issued by Competent Authority prescribed under Point No.5 of the Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31.01.2019. If the candidates are not able to submit the Income & Asset Certificate at the time of Document Verification, undertaking in this regard must be furnished. Format of Income and Asset certificate/ Declaration can be downloaded from the website / .

14.   SC/ST/PwBD candidates appearing for Written Test/Document Verification will be reimbursed single second class railway fare  from  the  nearest railway station of  the  mailing address to  the  place  of  W ritten  Test/Document Verification and back by the shortest route on production of ticket, provided the distance is not less than 30 KMs.

D.  Date of reckoning eligibility criteria:

The date for the purposes of possession of qualification and meeting age criteria shall be 30-09-2022.

E.   Obligation for employment:
Upon completion of the apprenticeship period, the Corporation shall have NO obligation to offer employment to such apprentices NOR can an Apprentice claim right for employment on the grounds of completion of Apprenticeship.

F.    Selection Methodology:

1.      Selection shall be on the basis of performance of the candidates on the basis of marks obtained by them in the
Written Test (of two hours duration) and meeting the notified eligibility criteria. 
2.      In case of tie (two or more) of marks in the written test, the date of birth (senior by age) shall be the factor to be
considered (in that order only) to place a candidate’s rank in the merit list.

3. Call letters for Written Test will be issued to all prima-facie eligible candidates, on the basis of details furnished in On-line Application.

4. For candidates applying for Apprenticeship at  Guwahati Refinery, Barauni Refinery, Gujarat Refinery, Digboi Refinery and Bongaigaon Refinery, Written Test will be conducted at the location of respective Refinery Unit.  For candidates applying for Apprenticeship at Haldia Refinery, Mathura Refinery, Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex (PRPC) and Paradip Refinery, Written Test will be conducted at Kolkata, Delhi (for Mathura Refinery & PRPC) and Bhubaneswar respectively.   However, exact location and venue details will be communicated in the Admit Card.

5. Written Test will be conducted with Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) consisting of four options with one correct option.

6. A candidate will have to secure minimum 40% marks in Written Test for qualifying the selection process. The minimum qualifying marks shall be 35% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories against reserved positions. Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the written test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for being shortlisted for Document verification or the final selection, as the same is based on candidate’s rank in the merit list on the basis of marks obtained in the Written Test, number of seats in respective Trades/Disciplines, candidates meeting the notified eligibility criteria and documents found in order upon verification etc.

7. Candidates belonging to PwBD categories, who have availed of concession in eligibility qualification marks or in Written Test qualifying marks, will be considered against reserved seats, irrespective of their position in select list (in order of merit within the category).

8. Filling up of the seats is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will  arise  for  engagement,  if  some  of  these  seats  are  not  filled  due  to  unsuitability/insufficient number  of candidates.

G.   Document verification:

Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their position in the merit list and subject to number of seats in respective Trades/Disciplines, shall be called for Document Verification. The following original documents along with a self- attested copy should be furnished at the time of Document Verification:

1.      10th Pass/Matriculation certificate issued by the concerned education board as proof of date of birth.
2. Class XII marksheet issued by the concerned education board; Semester-wise/ year-wise mark sheets of ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT/Graduation/Diploma in Engineering
3. Class XII/Final ITI (Fitter) issued by NCVT or SCVT/Graduation/Diploma Certificate issued by respective Board/ Authority.
4.      Conversion  certificate  from  CGPA/OGPA/Letter Grade  to  percentage  of  marks,  if  applicable,  from  concerned
5. Certificate mentioning the date of publication of result from the Principal of the Polytechnic/ School/College/ Institute from where the candidate pursued his/her Class XII/ITI (Fitter)/ Graduation/ Diploma course, if applicable.
6. SC/ ST/ Disability Certificate / OBC (NCL) Certificate alongwith “Declaration” / EWS-Income & Asset Certificate/ “DECLARATION for ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTIONS Candidates”. Certificate must be in the prescribed format (available on websites and ) and issued by the Competent Authority.
7. For Candidates applying against Code 111 with Skill Certificate in ‘Domestic Data Entry Operator’ - Skill certificate issued by an awarding body recognised under National Skill Qualifications Framework or any other authority recognised by the Central Govt. in this regard.
8.      Any other Certificate, as specified.

H.  Pre-Engagement Medical Fitness:

1. Candidates selected as apprentices will have to fulfil the minimum physical fitness standard / parameters as specified in the Apprentices Act and amendments/modifications issued from time to time.

2. Candidates are advised to go through the ‘Guidelines and Criteria for pre-engagement medical examinations’ and satisfy themselves of  meeting the  fitness  criteria. The  guidelines in  this  regard  are  available on  the  website / .

3. Medical examination of PwBD candidates shall be with due consideration to the provisions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

4. Only  those  candidates  who  are  declared  fit  in  pre-engagement medical  examination shall  be  considered  for engagement as apprentice. 
I.    Offer of engagement:

Finally shortlisted candidates whose documents including pre-engagement medical fitness certificate is found in order shall be issued offer of engagement.

J.    Liability to Declare:

1. Candidates with reported ailments, deficiencies or abnormalities shall make a declaration to this effect while submitting their application.

2. A candidate found UNFIT during medical examination conducted by any refinery unit or any other PSU while seeking engagement as an apprentice or while seeking a regular employment in the past, is also required to declare the same with reasons for being declared UNFIT.

3. Candidates have to necessarily declare in case he/she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, convicted by a Court of Law or for any offence debarred / disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination.

K.  Other Conditions:

1.      Stipend:  Rate  of  stipend  payable  to  apprentices  per  month  shall  be  as  prescribed  under  Apprentices  Act,
1961/1973/ Apprentices Rules 1992 (as amended) and Corporation’s guidelines.

2. Personal Protective Equipment: The Apprentices selected against codes 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 & 107 shall be  provided  with  one  pair  of  safety  shoes  &  a  Helmet  (returnable upon  completion of  training),  wherever applicable.

3.      Company Accommodation/HRA: No HRA or Company’s accommodation shall be provided to Apprentices.

4.      Leave & Holidays: The following leave & holidays shall be admissible to Apprentices:
a.   General Leave- 32  days  @  8  days  per  quarter during the  period of  Apprenticeship including on medical grounds.
b.   Casual Leave- 12 days per calendar year (pro-rata)
c.   An Apprentice shall avail such Holidays as are observed in the establishment in which he/she is undergoing
Apprenticeship training.
d.  Leave not availed shall lapse at the end of apprenticeship period.

5.      Insurance Coverage: Apprentices shall be covered under suitable Accident Insurance Coverage.

6. Discipline: Apprentices shall be  covered under the  Certified Standing Orders  applicable to  workmen at  the establishment where they are undergoing Apprenticeship training.

7. Period of Apprenticeship Training: may be extended under certain circumstances as provided under Rule 7 of the Apprentices Rules 1992.

8.      Rules/guidelines, as may be prescribed by the Govt/framed by the Corporation from time to time, shall apply.

9. The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters re lating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection and cancellation of the selection process etc.   No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

L.   General Instructions:

1. Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of on-line application.

2.    The Apprenticeship agreement shall be registered on-line with respective authorities.

3. At any stage of the selection process, if it is found that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled. Candidate shall also render himself /herself liable for criminal prosecution.

4. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates and testimonials etc. In case it is detected at any stage of engagement or thereafter, that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/doctored/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after engagement, his/her engagement is liable to be terminated.

5. Candidates  are  required  to  bring  one  Photo  ID  proof  in  ORIGINAL  –  anyone  from  among  Aadhar  Card/PAN Card/Voter ID Card/Driving License/Passport – along with Admit Card at the time of Written Test.

6.    Candidates without Admit Card and proof of ID as stated herewith will not be allowed to take the Written Test. 
7. Any corrigendum/addendum or Notice with regard to this advertisement shall be made available on our website ONLY.

8. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to jurisdiction of the local Court at the location of the Refinery Unit, for which the candidate has applied for Apprenticeship.

M.  How to apply:

1. Applications are invited by IndianOil for Apprenticeship at its Refineries at Guwahati, Digboi, Bongaigaon (all 3 in Assam), Barauni (Bihar), Vadodara (Gujarat), Haldia (West Bengal), Mathura (UP), Panipat {Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex (PRPC)} (Haryana) and Paradip (Odisha).

2.    A candidate can apply for apprenticeship in any one of the Refinery unit of his/her choice.

3. Option for exercising the choice of a Refinery unit has been provided in the application menu (on-line application portal) which shall open at 10.00 hours on 24-09-2022 and close at 17.00 hours on 23-10-2022.

4. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria for a trade/discipline, may visit the website, go to ‘What’s  New’  >  go  to  Engagement  of  Apprentices  under  Refineries  Division>  Click  on  “Detailed advertisement” (to  refer  to  the  Advertisement) >  Click on  “Click here  to  Apply Online” (to  fill  online application form). The candidate must have an active email ID and mobile phone number which must remain valid for at least next one year. All future communication with candidate will take place only through website/email/SMS alerts. Applications submitted through on-line mode will only be accepted.

5.    The candidate should have scanned copy of colour photograph and signature in jpg format (size not exceeding 50
KB) ready before applying on-line. The photo and signature in digital form will be required to be uploaded.

6. The candidate must ascertain the correctness of all information before filling in the On-line Application Form and its final submission.

7. The candidate shall be wholly/exclusively responsible for the information provided in his/her online application form.

8. Incomplete applications, applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria/parameters and applications received in mode /form other than on-line mode shall be treated as “Rejected”.

9. A copy of on-line application shall be retained by the candidate for reference and produced for verification at the time of Document Verification.

10.  Further information regarding written examination, call letters, results, etc. shall be made available through the websites or through email. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep visiting the websites and check their registered email regularly.

11.  Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the e -mail ids & Contact Nos. given below.
For Queries / Clarification(s)

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