Recruitment of various post in LIC HOUSING FINANCE LTD.

Faaip | Tuesday, 1 June 2021



Corporate Office, Mumbai


LIC Housing Finance Ltd. requires candidates who fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

Eligibility Criteria:

•     Educational Qualification: Master in Social Work/Rural Management with minimum aggregate
55% from a recognized university. Distance learning, part-time and correspondence degrees will not be considered.
•     Age: 23 to 30 years as on 01.01.2021
Work   experience:   Minimum   1   year   with   a   reputed   organization   in   Project   life   cycle management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Project, Sustainability reporting in CSR foundations/organizations.


All the educational qualifications mentioned should be from a University/Institute/Board recognised by Govt. of India/approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies and the final result should have been declared on or before 01.01.2021.

•         Proper  document  from  Board/University  for  having  declared  the  result  on  or  before
01.01.2021 has to be submitted at the time of interview. The date of passing the eligibility examination will be the date appearing on the mark-sheet or provisional certificate issued by University/Institute. In case the result of a particular examination is posted on the website of the University/Institute and web based certificate is issued then proper document/certificate in  original  issued  and  signed  by  the  appropriate  authority  of  the  University/Institute indicating the date of passing properly mentioned thereon will be reckoned for verification and further process.

Candidate should indicate the percentage obtained in Graduation/Post-graduation calculated to the nearest two decimals in the online application. Where CGPA/OGPA is awarded, the same should be converted into percentage and indicated in online application. If called for interview,  the  candidate  will  have  to  produce  a  certificate  issued  by  the  appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms.

Calculation of Percentage: The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all semester(s)/year(s) by aggregate maximum marks  (in  all  the  subjects  irrespective  of  honours/optional/additional  optional subject, if any) multiplied by 100. This will be applicable for those Universities also where Class/Grade is decided on basis of Honours marks only.
The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 54.99% will be treated as less than
Position Offered:

Cadre: Associate, Designation: Associate
There will be a probation period of six months from the date of joining which may be extended for a maximum period of six months.

Number of Positions: 6


Not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In case of multiple applications, only the latest valid (completed) application will be retained.

Job Location: Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Bhopal, Mumbai

Job Description:

•         CSR proposal sourcing
•         Project designing
•         Project implementation
•         Monitoring project outcomes and financials of the project activities
•         Generate impact from project deliverables and create CSR brand presents in market
•         Regular field visit to project site for ensure desired objectives of project
•         Field visit reporting and project update reporting based on the SOP of the project
Drive the CSR region/corporate projects to achieve CSR budget target, disbursement target, utilisation target
•         Scrutinisation of field visit report submitted by CSR implementing partner
•         Tracking of project updates and ensure adherence of project deliverables in desired manner
•         Verification of project activities through CSR MIS portal in monthly manner
•         Provide assistance to project team in bridging the gaps of project implementation
•         Evaluating mid-term correction request from CSR implementing partner
•         Presentation of monitoring report and mid-term correction request to competent authority
•         Conduct field verification to corporate (direct) projects once in three months
Aligning project deliverables to SDG goals and affirm projects are adhering to LFA/theory of change methodology
Develop MIS templates for better reporting on impact measurement in CSR MIS portal and offline reporting tools
Writing  various  updates  of  project  such  as  quarterly  reports,  write-ups,  cases  studies, newsletters and dissemination of the same
Capacity  building  of  CSR  implementation  partners  and  internal  stakeholders  on  impact creation and measurement
•         Coordinate inputs for Impact assessment of CSR projects
Develop volunteer engagement concepts and effectively implement campaigns for successful outreach
•         Create wider reach of project impact through CSR social media handles of the company

Skills Required:

•         Communication skills, written and oral
•         Understanding of mainstream business model 
•         Project Management: From sourcing of CSR Proposals to Evaluation of Projects
•         Research and analysis skills
•         Presentation skills

Selection Process:

Interested  candidates  should  submit  the  resume  on  our  website  (Careers: Submit Resume) along with the duly filled application form.

Note: The applicants who have not filled the form or the form is incomplete will not be considered for the selection process.

Selection Process is as below:

1.   All the eligible and shortlisted candidates from the applications received will be required to undergo Online Test.
2.   The shortlisted candidates based on the merit list of Online Test will be called for Interview.
3.   Final selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of combined scores of Online Test and Interview.

The Company reserves the right to change the selection procedure, if necessary.

Any request for change of data provided during registration process will not be entertained. No request for change of centre/venue/date/session for online examination/interview shall be entertained.   Expenses   incurred   for   attending   the   online   examination/interview   will   not   be reimbursed by the Company.

CTC: 6 to 9 Lakhs

Applications received on or before 7th June 2021 will only be considered.

Any sort of communication/intimation including location, date and time of the Test, Interview, etc. will be sent to the email id and mobile number registered in the online application form. Company will not take responsibility for late receipt/non-receipt of any communication e-mailed/sent via sms to the candidate due to change in the email address, mobile number, technical fault or otherwise. Candidates are hence advised to regularly visit LIC HFL website ( for details, updates and any information which may be posted for further guidance as well as to check their registered e-mail account from time to time during the selection process.

Note: Resumes submitted online on our website will only be accepted. The selection will depend on suitability of the candidates and decision of the Company will be final.

Decision  of  the  Company  in  all  matters  of  recruitment  regarding  eligibility,  selection  process, vacancy, final selection and any other matters relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Company in this regard.

Date: 24.05.2021                                                                                                        GENERAL MANAGER (HR)


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