Faaip | Wednesday, 2 June 2021


Qualification and Experience for the post of Assistant Professor in the College

The details with regard to Academic Qualifications and Teaching/Research Experience are as under:-

1.      Assistant Professor in Anesthesiology

Qualification: MD/MS/DNB (Anesthesiology).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

2.      Assistant Professor in Anatomy

Qualification: MS (Anatomy); or MD (Anatomy); or DNB (Anatomy); or MBBS with M.Sc. (Anatomy); or M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) with Ph.D. (Med. Anatomy); or M.Sc. (Med. Anatomy) with D.Sc. (Med. Anatomy).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

3.      Assistant Professor in Biochemistry

Qualification: MD (Bio-Chemistry); or DNB (Biochemistry); or MBBS with M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry); or M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) with Ph.D. (Med. Biochemistry); or M.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry) with D.Sc. (Med. Biochemistry).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

4.      Assistant Professor in Community Medicine

Qualification: MD/DNB (Social & Preventive Medicine); or MD/DNB (Community Medicine).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree. 

5.      Assistant Professor in Emergency Medicine

Qualification: MD/DNB (Emergency Medicine); or MD/DNB (Medicine/General Medicine/Internal Medicine; or MS/DNB (General Surgery); or MD/DNB (Res. Medicine or MD/DNB (Anaesthesiology); or MS/DNB (Orthopaedics).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned specialty, out of which at least 2 years in Emergency Medicine in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the first Post-graduate degree.

6.      Assistant Professor in Endocrinology

Qualification: DM/DNB (Endocrinology); or MD/DNB (Medicine) or MD/DNB(Paediatrics) with 2 years special training in Endocrinology.

Teaching/Research Experience: At least three years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Super-specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the first Post-graduate degree.

7.      Assistant Professor in General Medicine

Qualification:  MD/DNB  (Medicine);  or  MD/DNB  (General  Medicine);  or  MD/DNB(Internal


Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

8.      Assistant Professor in General Surgery

Qualification: MS/DNB (Surgery); or MS/DNB (General Surgery).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

9.      Assistant Professor in Microbiology

Qualification: MD (Bacteriology); or MD (Microbiology); or DNB (Microbiology); DNB (Bacteriology); or MBBS with M.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology); or M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology); or Ph.D. (Med. Bacteriology); or M.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology) with D.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology); or M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology) with Ph.D. (Med.  Microbiology); or M.Sc.  (Med. Microbiology)  with  D.Sc. (Med. Microbiology).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree. 

10.    Assistant Professor in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics

Qualification: MDS/DNB in the subject.

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

11.    Assistant Professor in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

Qualification: MS/DNB (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

12.    Assistant Professor in Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry

Qualification: MDS/DNB in the subject.

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

13.    Assistant Professor in Pharmacology

Qualification: MD (Pharmacology); or DNB (Pharmacology); or MBBS with Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology); or M.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) with Ph.D. (Med. Pharmacology); or M.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology) with D.Sc. (Med. Pharmacology).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.

14.    Assistant Professor in Psychiatry

Qualification: MD/DNB (Psychiatry); or MD/DNB (Psychological Med.); or MD/DNB (Medicine) with Diploma (Psychological Medicine);  or Diploma in Psychiatry (Edin) of two  years’ course; Diploma in Psychiatry (Mc.Gill University, Montreal, Canada) of two years’ course.

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree. 

15.    Assistant Professor in Radio-Diagnosis

Qualification: MD/DNB (Radio-Diagnosis); or MD/MS/DNB (Radiology).

Teaching/Research Experience: 03 years teaching experience as Senior Resident or Tutor or Demonstrator or Registrar in the concerned Specialty in a recognized teaching institution after obtaining the Post-graduate degree.


General Guidelines for Applicants:

1.   Applicants must possess a basic University or equivalent qualification included in any one of the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). They must also be registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register wherever applicable.

2.   Applicants must possess the requisite recognized Postgraduate Medical qualification in their respective subject.

3.   The College may consider the holders of equivalent postgraduate qualification approved by the Medical Council of India from time to time, to have the requisite recognized qualification in the subject concerned.

4.   Any Post-Graduate Degree or Diploma awarded by any Indian Universities, included in or excluded from the Schedules to Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956)/Dentists Act,

1948  consequent  to  recognition  granted  or  withdrawn  by  Government  of  India  as  per provisions of the said Act shall be deemed to have been included or excluded accordingly as a valid qualification for appointment to various teaching posts as indicated above.

5.   The Post-Graduate Medical Qualifications awarded by Indian Universities, must have been included in the Schedules to the Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956)/Dentists Act, 1948, for the purpose of appointment to various teaching posts.

6.   In the case of holders of Doctorate of Medicine (D.M.) or Magister  Chirurgiae (M.Ch.) qualification of five years‟ duration, the period of senior Post Graduate residency rendered in the last part of the said Doctorate of Medicine (D.M.) or Magister Chirurgiae (M.Ch.) shall be counted towards requirement of teaching experience.

7.   Additional teaching experience required, if any, for the post of Assistant Professor for all the broad specialties/super-specialties for the applicants possessing DNB qualifications should be as per MCI norms notified from time to time.

8.   Teaching Experience in any other post like the post of General Duty Medical Officer or Medical Officer shall not be considered for eligibility purpose for recruitment to teaching posts.

9.   Applicants, who are registered with the Medical Council of India or State Medical/Dental Councils as Medical/Dental Practitioners, shall be entitled to non-practicing allowance as per rates decided by the Government of India from time to time.

General Instructions for Applicants:

1.       All applicants are required to apply online in the prescribed format with complete, correct information and attachments. The applicant will be solely responsible for the authenticity of submitted information. Applicants are required to fill the application form as available on the website of the College, The details regarding qualifications, experience and general guidelines are available on the website of the college, along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form.

2.       Candidate   must   enclose   the   self-attested   documents/certificates/testimonials   relating   to educational qualification, date of birth, experience etc. and any other relevant information, as claimed in the online application along with a hard copy of the online application duly self- attested.   Please refer to Annexure-I for this purpose. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way omission or commission, the responsibility shall be solely of the applicant and the applicant shall be liable for action as per law.

3.       The applicant is required to submit the hard copy of the online submitted application along with all supporting documents (self-attested) in a sealed envelope with inscription ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, to the, Principal, University College of Medical Sciences, Room No. 107, (Ist Floor, College Block), Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110 095 on or before 09.07.2021 upto 1500 hrs by Speed Post/Registered Post only.

4.       Application fees and forms are to be submitted as per details given below:

Application Fee payable is Rs.500/- for UR/OBC/EWS category which can be paid in the form of Demand Draft, in favour of ‘PRINCIPAL, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES’ payable at Delhi.

•                 No application fee will be charged from applicants from SC, ST, PwBD and Women


•                 Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Those   candidates,   who   were   required   to   pay   application   fee   in   response   to Advertisement   No.   MC/CCS/T/2019-I   dated   20.08.2019   for   (i)   Department   of Emergency Medicine and (ii) Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry and paid fee accordingly, are not required to pay any application fee along with this application.  The applicant is required to mention the D.D. No., date and the details of the issuing Bank at the designated placed in the application form to seek this exemption.

5.       The reservation for applicants from SC, ST, EWS, OBC (non-creamy layer) and Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) categories will be applicable as per UGC/Central Government norms.

Applicants seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBD categories must upload the necessary documents justifying the claim of respective reservation as per Govt. of India lists/rules/norms.   The certificate uploaded should be in the format prescribed by the Union Government. 

In case the applicant wants to claim benefits under the PwBD category, the applicant’s relevant disability should not be less than 40 per cent. Proof to this effect in the form of a valid Disability Certificate must be uploaded with the application.

Applicants applying for the post(s) reserved for OBC must upload certificate of OBC (non- creamy layer) in the prescribed form issued by Competent Authority.  The certificate should be of the current financial year, in accordance with instructions issued by the Union Government in this respect from time to time. Applicants should ascertain that they belong to the reserved categories (caste) enlisted in the Central List for the Other Backward Classes.

If the relevant certificates for respective reserved categories are not uploaded with the application, the application may be rejected and no appeal against its rejection will be entertained.

6.       Consequent upon adoption of self-certification provisions as required by the Govt. of India, the College shall process the applications entirely on the basis of information/documents uploaded with the application. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way of  omission  or  commission,  the  responsibility  shall  lie  solely with  the  applicant  and  the applicant shall be liable for action as per law.

7.       Applications which do not meet the eligibility criteria given in this advertisement and / or are incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected.  Before applying online, applicants are advised to go through detailed notice available on the website of the College.

8.       Applicants applying for more than one post must apply separately and pay fees separately.

9.       In order to avoid last minute rush, the applicants are advised to apply early. The College will not  be  responsible  for  any network  related  issue  while  submitting  the online  application. However, in case of any persistent technical issue, the applicants can mail their problem at the email id

10.     Applicants are advised to fill their complete, correct and active e-mail address in their online application form as all the correspondences including interview letters will be sent by the College through e-mail only.

11.     Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 of 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix.  Allowances as admissible will be paid.

12.     Age limit : Not exceeding 40 (forty) years (Relaxable for Government servants up to five years in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government of India). Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC and PwBD applicants will be as per Government of India norms as applicable from time to time.

13.     The age limit, qualification and experience for all the posts shall be determined as on the closing date of the submission of online application. Applicants should possess the prescribed age, qualification and experience as on the closing date of application. 

14.     The applicants  are required to submit Matriculation/10th  Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth, or mark sheet of Matriculation/10th  Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating Date of Birth in support of claim of age.

15.      Applicants serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including Boards/Autonomous Bodies) are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer, at the time of interview, if not uploaded with the online application earlier.

16.     The  Shortlisted  candidates  called  for  interview  should  report  along  with  the  following documents at the time of interview:-

•                       All the certificates/testimonials in original  as per Annexure-I

•                       Valid Photo ID (AADHAR/Voter ID/Driving License/Passport).

A  set  of  self-attested  photocopy  of  certificates/testimonials  with  respects  to  the qualification, experience and category as applicable, indicated in the online application form, duly certified by the applicant should be submitted at the time of interview.

17.     No. TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.

18.     The College reserves the right to amend the number of posts or not to fill any of the posts mentioned in the advertisement at its discretion without assigning any reason thereof.

19.     The decision of the College in all matters shall be final.  No correspondence, whatsoever, will be entertained in connection with the process of selection/interview.

20.     Canvassing in any form will be treated as a disqualification.

21.     The applicants are required to visit the website of the College regularly as any subsequent corrigendum/addendum/intimation etc.  will be uploaded on the website of the College only.

22.     The College will verify the antecedents of the applicant at the time of appointment or anytime during the tenure of the service. In case it is found that the documents/information submitted by the candidate are false or the candidate has suppressed relevant information, the services of the candidate shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action initiated by the College.

23.     In case of the any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage  even  after  the  issuance  of  offer  letter,  the  College  reserves  right  to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the applicants.

24.     In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the College shall be final. Applicants are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.

25.     All correspondence from the College including interview letter, if any, shall be sent only to the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the online application form. 

26.     The last date for submission of the form shall be as specified in the advertisement. Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the website of the University of Delhi and the College as detailed above.

27.     Any dispute regarding the recruitment will fall under the jurisdiction of Delhi.

Important Note:

I.      The entire onus of the content/authenticity of the information being uploaded in the form of application and its attachments shall exclusively rest with the applicant in terms of eligibility for recruitment and for subsequent selection through due process.

II.      The College shall, in no way, be responsible for any error/omission/commission/suppression of relevant information by the applicant knowingly/unknowingly/overtly/covertly while filling up the application form and uploading the documents required therein.

III.      In case the applicant gets screened/selected/appointed on the basis of the credentials furnished by him/her which are, on scrutiny, found to be incorrect/ inadmissible/ forged/ fabricated/ falsified, his/her candidature shall be liable to be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment/at any time during the tenure of the service and appropriate legal action under applicable law shall be initiated against the applicant.

IV.      The College reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the applicant. In case of any dispute arising out of such a situation, the decision of the College shall be final and binding on the applicant.

List  of documents   to  be  submitted along  with  the  printed copy  of the  online application:-

1.   Proof of Date of Birth (Class 10th Certificate)

2.   Caste Certificate, if applicable

3.   PwBD Certificate, if applicable

4.   EWS Certificate, if applicable

5.   MBBS Degree + Marksheet + Attempt Certificate

6.   Postgraduate Degree + Attempt Certificate

7.   Experience certificate.

8.   Valid certificate of registration with MCI/DCI/ State Medical Council of UG and PG degrees.

9.   Any other certificate of academic/research distinction/award.

10. List of publications as mentioned in the application form.

11. List of conferences/CMEs/Seminars/Workshops as mentioned in the application form.

12. List of membership of national/international bodies (with proof).

13. Proof     of     publications     (Reprint/acceptance     letter),     proof     of     attendance     at

Conference/CME/Workshop (certificate of attendance).

Frequently asked questions

The  details  regarding qualifications, experiences,  general guidelines,  general instructions and the list of documents  to be attached with the printed copy of the online submitted application form are available  on  the  website  of the  University and  the  College  website  along  with  this  advertisement.   The  applicants are required  to  read these details carefully before filling up the Application  form.

However, some issues of common concern have been discussed below for the convenience of the applicants.

1. Can a person apply for more than one Faculty position?

Yes. Separate forms will have to be filled for each faculty position if the requisite eligibility criteria are fulfilled. Applicants applying for more than one post must pay fees separately.

2. If a person had  applied  for the post of Assistant  Professor when the College advertised the post last time in 2019. Does the applicant need to apply again?


3. Does the applicant need to pay application fee again for filling the application now, although the applicant had paid the fee last time when the College advertised the post in 2019 but did not conduct the interview?

Those candidates, who were required to pay application fee in response to Advertisement No. MC/CCS/T/2019-I dated 20.08.2019 for (i) Department of Emergency Medicine and (ii) Department of  Paedodontics  &  Preventive  Dentistry  and  paid  fee  accordingly,  are  not  required  to  pay any application fee along with this application.  The applicant is required to mention the D.D. No., date and the details of the issuing Bank at the designated placed in the application form to seek this exemption.

4. Which are the mandatory fields in the application?

Mandatory fields are indicated by a star (*) adjacent to the name of the field.

5. Can only Indian  citizens apply for the posts advertised for faculty positions?

Besides Indian citizens, those who have acquired the status of Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) and have necessary documents in support of the same can also apply.

6. What is the application fee for different categories?

Application Fee payable is Rs.500/- for UR/OBC/EWS category which can be paid in the form of Demand Draft, in favour of ‘PRINCIPAL, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES’ payable at Delhi. No application fee will be charged from applicants from SC, ST, PwBD and Women Applicants. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. 

7. What are the categories required to be marked or entered into in the online proforma?

The online proforma has provision for marking the reservation category of the candidate on following parameters:

•  Under the  Head,  ‘Category’,  in  the  online  application,  status  as  Unreserved  (UR)/Scheduled Caste(SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Other Backward Class (Non Creamy Layer)(OBC)/Economically Weaker Section (EWS), as applicable is required to be marked.

• Under the Head, ‘PwBD category’, in the online application, state Yes or No.

8. What if the candidate does not get the NOC at the time of filling up the form?

Applicants  serving  in  Government/Public  Sector  Undertakings  (including  Boards/Autonomous Bodies) are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer, at the time of interview, if not uploaded with the online application earlier.

9. What are the documents  required to be submitted by the shortlisted candidates at the time of interview?

The Shortlisted candidates called for interview should report along with the following documents at the time of interview:-

•                    All the certificates/testimonials in original  as per Annexure-I

•                    Valid Photo ID (AADHAR/Voter ID/Driving License/Passport).

A set of self-attested photocopy of certificates/testimonials with respects to the qualification, experience and category as applicable, indicated in the online application form, duly certified by the applicant should be submitted at the time of interview.

10. How will the candidate get the interview call?

All correspondence from the College including interview letter, if any, shall be sent only to the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the online application form.

11. What should be done if the College website link stops or hangs?

In order to avoid last minute rush, the applicants are advised to apply early. The College will not be responsible for any network related issue while submitting the online application.  However, in case of any persistent technical issue, the applicants can mail their problem at the email id

12. Is  it  necessary  to  provide the  evidence  for each  and  every  item/activity   claimed  in  the application?

It  is  mandatory  to  provide  the  proof,  wherever  it  has  been  asked,  to  proceed  with  the  online completion of application form.

13. Is  it  possible  to  change/update the  information provided by  the  applicant in  the  online application form once submitted?

No. The applicant should ensure that the inputs provided in the application is complete and correct before saving the information and proceeding to the next page/final submission of the application.


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