The maximum age limit is 63 years as on crucial date in all cases. Relaxation in upper age limit above 63 years is not applicable for any category of candidates.
Crucial date for claim of SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)/EWS/ESM status or any other benefit viz. reservation, upper age limit etc., where not specified otherwise, will be the first of the month in which the notification is issued. (i.e., 01/06/2021)
Candidates engaged in the above post will be placed in F5-W Grade on Fixed Term Employment basis for a period of Two Years with a consolidated pay of ₹ 38,000/- per month.
5.1 Reservation and relaxations for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ EWS & Ex-servicemen candidates will be as per Government of India guidelines.
5.2 Candidates belonging to OBC (NCL)/ SC/ST categories should meet the eligibility norms notified for UR category for consideration against unreserved (UR) vacancies. In other words, OBC (NCL)/SC/ST candidates applying against unreserved posts shall be considered under general standard of merit and no relaxations shall be available for the candidates.
5.3 OBC Candidates belonging to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled to avail any concession otherwise extended to OBC (NCL) category. Such candidates have to indicate their category as UR.
5.4 Candidates belonging to OBC (Non‐Creamy Layer) category should enclose valid OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate in the prescribed format
(applicable for purpose of reservation in appointment to posts under Government of India as contained in DOPT Memo No.36036/2/2013- Estt. (Res.)
dated 30-05-2014) obtained from competent authority. However, at the time of Practical Test they should produce OBC (NCL) certificate obtained on or after 01.04.2020 from competent authority failing which, they will not be permitted to appear for the Practical Test under OBC (NCL) category.
5.5 Candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) will have to furnish self-attested copy of valid Income & Asset certificate issued by the competent authority as per OM No.36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31.01.19 of DoPT, Ministry of PPG&P, Govt. of India. However, at the time of Practical Test they should produce Income and Asset Certificate for Economically Weaker Sections obtained on or after 01.04.2020 from competent authority failing which, they will not be permitted to appear for the Practical Test under EWS category.
5.6 Category (EWS/SC/ST/OBC[NCL]/ Ex-servicemen) once filled in the online application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on. Candidates belonging to EWS/SC/ST/OBC/Ex-servicemen are required to submit requisite certificate in the format prescribed by Government of India and issued by the Competent Authority.
6.1 Selection will be based on Practical Test. However, the management reserves the right to conduct Screening Test for short listing the candidates.
6.2 Intimation / Communication regarding list of candidates Shortlisted, exact Date & Venue of the Practical Test will be hosted in NLCIL website.
6.3 Candidates shall be evaluated for 50 marks by testing the Practical knowledge / Skill through Practical Test. The minimum qualifying marks for various categories against reservation is tabulated below;

6.4 The final selection of candidates will be in the order of merit based on the marks scored by the candidates in the Practical Test, ensuring due reservation in the categories of SC / OBC (NCL) / EWS as applicable and subject to scoring the minimum qualifying percentage of marks prescribed.
7.1 Selected candidates will be paid a consolidated pay of ₹ 38,000/- per month.
7.2 Provident Fund will be as per the provisions of applicable Acts / Rules.
7.3 Medical facilities as per applicable NLCIL Medical rules. However, persons in the age group of above 60 to 63 years will be eligible for medical facilities for self and spouse only, provided they are not availing any post-retirement medical benefits from their previous employer(s) including other PSU / Government or availing medical benefits as dependants of their children.
7.4 12 days of Casual Leave in a year and other kinds of leave as per the leave rules of the company.
7.5 Eligible unfurnished residential accommodation will be provided depending on the place of posting at nominal rent and subject to availability.
7.6 House Rent Allowance shall be payable in case they are not provided with accommodation.
8.1 Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
8.2 Candidates who have passed the notified qualification only are eligible to apply.
8.3 Depending on the response and requirement, NLCIL reserves the right to raise / relax the eligibility conditions. Candidates are informed that mere submission of applications shall not give them any right to be called for Selection.
8.4 Candidates called for Practical Test are required to make their own arrangements for their travel, they will not be entitled for any reimbursement or
Traveling Allowances.
8.5 Candidates should produce the original documents, in support of their meeting eligibility conditions, at the time of joining, failing which such candidates will not be permitted to join.
8.6 NLCIL reserves the right not to fill up any or all the posts notified at its discretion and vacancies may also be increased / decreased depending upon organizational requirements.
8.7 The engagement of selected candidates will be subject to being found Medically Fit as per the prescribed health standards of NLCIL and they will be required to undergo medical examination by the Industrial Medical Officer of the Company, prior to being engaged after due selection.
8.8 Candidates to be called for selection shall be permitted to attend Practical Test without physical verification of original documents / certificates. Their eligibility shall be ascertained based on the information furnished by them online and copies of documents / certificates submitted. Their candidature shall be provisional at all stages of selection and NLCIL shall have the right to reject their candidature at any stage of selection. Verification of original documents will be conducted during / after the selection process and prior to joining for the provisionally selected candidates.
8.9 If the SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/ EWS certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi, the candidates should submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.
8.10 Candidature of the applicant is liable to be rejected at any stage of selection process or after selection or on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is false or if not found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement, the Candidate’s engagement will be terminated.
8.11 Candidates already removed / terminated / deserted their employment from NLCIL will not be considered.
8.12 Persons already resigned from NLCIL may also apply, subject to fulfilling the notified eligibility criteria.
8.13 NLCIL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/reopen/alter the selection process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
8.14 Candidates can contact the Helpline No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.00 Hours on all working days i.e., Monday to Saturday or write to online.recruitment@nlcindia.in. Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officials / divisions.
9.1 Interested Candidates should apply through the prescribed format enclosed with following certificates / documents of educational qualification(s)
and experience. All the documents are to be arranged in chronological order duly self-attested.
9.1.1 Application Format provided under Advt. No. 04/2021 to be downloaded from NLCIL website, to be filled and sent to the address given below.
9.1.2 Affix a Recent passport size Colour photograph, taken after 01/03/2021 on the space provided with self-attestation across the photo and application form in dark Blue or Black ink.
9.1.3 Proof for Date of Birth (Birth Certificate (or) SSLC / Matriculation / HSC Mark Sheet).
9.1.4 Proof for possessing notified Educational Qualifications: - SSLC/Matriculation/10th Std. Certificate & Mark sheet. (or) ITI Trade Certificate & Mark Sheet(s).
9.1.5 Candidates have to produce documentary proof in support of their experience in operating Specialized Mining Equipment of Mines / Thermal stations. In case of NLCIL former Employees, the copy of appointment Order / Promotion Orders to be enclosed along with the application. In case of candidates from elsewhere, sufficient proof support of the above to be enclosed along with the application.
9.1.6 Community Certificate (in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-NCL / EWS categories)
9.1.7 Copy of AADHAR Card.
9.1.8 Proof for Ex-servicemen viz. Discharge Certificate for Ex-Servicemen, etc.
9.1.9 Send the filled in Application Form along with the enclosures, in a cover with superscription of “APPLICATION FOR SME OPERATOR ON FTE BASIS (Advt.No.04/2021)”, by Post / Courier, so as to reach the following address on or before 14/06/2021 (before 17:00 Hours): -
9.2 Scrutiny of applications for short listing of candidates for Practical Test will be based on the documents / certificates enclosed by the candidates at the time of submission of application.
10.0 Information regarding Selection Schedule & list of short-listed candidates for Practical Test will be communicated to the shortlisted candidates through
NLCIL’s website (www.nlcindia.in) besides e-mail to their registered e-mail address and message through SMS to their Registered Mobile Number.
11.0 Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and / or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in Chennai and the Courts/Tribunals/Forums (Jurisdiction Courts) at Chennai shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction.

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