Recruitment of various post in Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture Indian Council of Agricultural Research

Faaip | Sunday, 6 June 2021


       Terms of Reference:

Heads of Units at ICAR-DKMA will provide terms of reference, describing the work to be performed by the YPs. The terms of reference shall include the functions to be performed and outputs to be delivered. The functions and outputs shall be specific, measurable, attainable, results-based and time-bound_

       Maximum duration of engagement of the YPs

Initial engagement of YP will be for one year which is extendable for two more years (01 year at a time) subject to requirement of the services of the YP in the organization and satisfactory performance of the candidate after evaluation by an officer of the level of ADG/Director. Thus maximum duration of engagement of YP in the ICAR is three years (1+1+1).

       Age limit,

The minimum age under Young Professional category will be 21 years and maximum 45 years with relaxation as per rules on 1st June, 2021.

        Consolidated emoluments of the YPs

The consolidated emoluments of Young Professional-II (YP-II) will be Rs.35, 000/- per month respectively. No House Rent Allowance (HRA) will be paid to the YPs.

       Tax deduction at source

The income tax or any other tax liable to be deducted as per the prevailing rules will be deducted at source before effecting payment of monthly salary.

       TA/DA for the YPs

TA/DA will be admissible to YPs for undertaking domestic tour for official work as under:

VP-11: To and fro journey by train in AC-2 Tier/AC Chair Car and DA at fixed rate of Rs.1500/- per day for other tour related expenses on Guest House/Hotel Accommodation, food and local conveyance etc.

       Attendance and working hours/days:

The working hours for the YPs will be same as regular employees of 1CAR. No extra benefit will be allowed for working beyond office hours. Unauthorized absence from the project/work for a continuous period of 08 days without valid reasons shall lead to automatic termination of the engagement.

       Leave entitlement for the YPs

The YPs in ICAR are eligible for 08 days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis and 02 restricted holidays as per the rules of Govt. of India/ICAR. Intervening weekly holidays or gazetted holidays during a spell of leaves should not be counted against the admissible leaves. The un-availed leaves will not be carried forward to next calendar year. In addition to this, YPs may also be allowed compensatory leave in lieu of the duty assigned on holidays but not more than 02 leaves can accrue in a month. The Compensatory leaves can be accumulated only up to 05 days at a time and the YPs may be allowed to avail the same within 03 months.

Female YPs will be entitled to maternity leave as per provision in the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017. However, there will be no paternity leave for male YPs. 

       Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property created due to the work of Young Professional during his/her valid tenure in ICAR Hqrs/ institutions will be governed by the IPR guidelines of the Council,

       Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

The Young Professionals shall have to comply with the "Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

       Other terms and conditions

i.  The young professional (YP) shall be subject to the laws of secrecy of the country and will sign a declaration of secrecy and Non-Disclosure Agreement before reporting (as per Annexure-I of guidelines issued by Council vide Office Memorandum No. Agril.Edn. l -062020-A&P dated 04.12.2020).

ii. The engagement will not constitute a regular job or appointment of any nature in the ICAR.

iii. During   the   term   of   engagement   the   YP   shall   comply   with   the   Standards   of   Conduct.

Failure to comply with the same will become a ground for termination of the YP without notice.

iv. Young          Professionals     will       be         entitled to          other     facilities      like      transport/

canteen/ library/ dispensary available in ICAR-DKMA.

       How to Apply:

1.   Interested and eligible candidates may apply  (separately for each position) and submit self attested

& signed copy of their duly filled application as per attached proforma Annexure-I through e-mail on e-mail address The application should also be accompanied with one set of original  scanned  self-attested  relevant  copies  of  testimonials,  certificates  and  age  proof  and marksheets as required in the advertisement.

2.   The last date of receiving application(s) through email is 24.06.2021. The application(s) received after due date will not be considered in any case.

3.   Candidates will be shortlisted for Interview on the basis of their academic qualification, experience,

publication, achievements/awards etc. submitted by the candidates with the duly filled application form and considering relevant criteria as per job requirement of the position. The list of shortlisted candidates to be called for Walk-in-Interview and an invitation of interview will be sent to the shortlisted candidate on the e-mail address given in his/her application form. The candidates are advised to regularly visit website and check their email for any updates.

4.   The date and time of Interview shall be informed through e-mail only on their e-mail address given in their application form.

5.   The selected candidates at their expenses will be medically examined for fitness before engagement.

6.   No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in Interview.

7.   Candidate fulfilling the essential Qualifications and eligibilities criteria only need to apply. The self- attested document furnished by the selected candidate (s) with his/her application form shall be verified from original documents later on for which the candidate will have to visit ICAR-DKMA, KAB-I, Pusa New Delhi-110012 at his/her own expenses.

8.   Candidates are necessarily required to produce original certificates at the time of interview which will be returned to them.

9.   The  selected  candidates  shall  not  claim  any  regular  appointment  as  the  positions  are  purely temporary.

10. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification of the candidature and/ or

termination of engagement even after appointment.

11. The Project Director, DKMA reserves the right to cancel/withdraw all/any position of Consultant out of the above. The decision of Project Director, DKMA shall be final and binding on all aspects.

12. Candidates  who  are  already  employed  in  Govt.  Organization  should  produce  “No  Objection

Certificate” from the present employer

13. All legal dispute shall be New Delhi jurisdiction. 

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