Recruitment of various post in JUNIOR PROGRAMMER

Faaip | Friday, 17 September 2021



CIN: U40100GJ1993SGC019988


Gujarat State Electricity Corpn. Ltd. is a Power Generation Company of erstwhile Gujarat  Electricity  Board  having  Offices/Power  Plants  at  different  locations  in Gujarat  State.  Gujarat  State  Electricity  Corpn.  Ltd.  offers  a  challenging  and rewarding career to young and dynamic Information Technology Professionals.

Applications are  invited  for the  post of  Junior Programmer under Gujarat State

Electricity Corpn. Ltd. from the eligible candidates as follows:

Documents to be submitted as and when asked by the Company: (After On-line Exam)
1.  On-line application form alongwith two recent passport size photographs should be affixed on the space provided on the application form.
2.  Self-attested copy of
i. School Leaving Certificate
ii. All Mark-sheets of B.E. /B.Tech. /M.C.A.
iii. Certificate from the Institute/University mentioning percentage marks obtained in case grading system.
iv. Degree Certificate
v. Copy of experience certificate
vi.Caste (SC/ST/SEBC/EWS) Certificate issued by authority of Gujarat State.
3.  In case  of  SEBC candidates, latest Non Creamy  Layer Certificate issued  in Gujarati -પˆરિશƧટ “ક” or પˆરિશƧટ – ૪ and EWS candidates, latest Income and Assets Certificate as per Resolution No. E.W.S./122019/45903/A dated 23.01.19
& dated 25.01.19 in prescribed format (in English “Annexure-KH” or in Gujarati-
પˆરિશƧટ – ગ) issued by the Competent Authority of Gujarat State.
4.  In  case  of  PWD  Candidates,  Valid  Certificate  of  Civil  Surgeon  required. (Showing % of Disability).
5.  In case of Ex. Armed Force Personnel, necessary certificate should be attached.
6.  Affidavit for genuineness of documents as per attached proforma(Annexure-I)
7.  Affidavit as per attached proforma in case of Dependent of Retired Employee of
GUVNL and Subsidiary Companies (Annexure-II)
8.  In  case  of  Dependent  of  Retired  Employee  of  GUVNL  and  Subsidiary Companies, Relieving Order or Certificate issued to the employee should be attached
9.  In case of widow applicants, death certificate of the husband and an undertaking
to the effect that the applicant has not re-married.
10. NOC from present employer (If applicable).
11. Domicile certificate in case of candidate belongs to Gujarat State.
12. Identification Proof (Voter ID/Pan Card/Aadhar Card/Driving License etc.)
13. Residential Address Proof (Electricity Bill/Telephone Bill/Ration Card etc.)
14. Any other Certificate/document applicable.

Note:  Whenever documents are called from the candidates, submission has to be made by the candidates within stipulated time, failing which, his/her candidature shall be cancelled for the said post. It may further be noted that all above stated documents are to be self-attested by the candidate

Date : 25.08.2021
General Manager (HR) 
(On Stamp Paper of Rs. 300/- & get it notarized)

(1)    That I have applied for the post of Junior Programmer arisen at various
Power Stations of GSECL and have read the conditions thereof.

(2)    I   hereby   declare   that   whatsoever   documents   submitted   by   me   for consideration to the post of Junior Programmer are true and are not false and fabricated.

(3)    I have been made to understand by GSECL that if at any subsequent stage it reveals to them that any of the documents submitted by me are false or fabricated I could be removed from the services in view of clause-16 of GSO-7 dated: 04.10.1960.

(4)    I  further declare that I  have not suppressed any material information or documents   of   any   character   which   is   necessary   for   obtaining   this employment. If at any subsequent stage it reveals that I have suppressed such material information or  document which  would  have  debarred  me  from obtaining employment, I understand that I could be removed from services in view of clause-16 of GSO-7 dtd. 04.10.1960.

(5)    I further declare that if any document submitted by me for the post of Junior Programmer is found false or fabricated or material information or document found to  be  suppressed by  me,  I  shall  not question the  decision of  the authority for removal of my services in any Court of Law or before any

Date: Place:
(On Stamp Paper of Rs. 300/- & get it notarized)

I, Shri                                  residing at                                                     (write name of City / Town) give declaration as under in view of advertisement for the post of Junior Programmer at various TPS of GSECL.

(1) I am son/daughter of Shri/Smt.                      Desi.                               who retired on              .
(2) That I have read the provisions of GSO-295 pertaining to benefit to dependent of retired employee and I declare that none of the dependent of my father/mother has ever been given the benefit of the scheme in Board/Subsidiary entity.
(3) I hereby declare that after retirement of my father/mother, none of dependent brother/sister are/were employed in Board/Subsidiary entity under GSO-
295. The copy of retirement order is attached & it is true.
(4) I further declare that if at any stage hereafter it is found that any member of family of my father/mother is/were already employed in the Board/Subsidiary entity  under   GSO-295  /got   benefit  of   GSO-295  in  view   of  in  house advertisement of Board/subsidiary entity, I shall not question the decision of Company including that of termination of my services in any Court of law or before any authority.
(5) I hereby declare that whatsoever documents submitted by me for consideration to the post of Junior Programmer are true and are not false and fabricated and I have been made to understand by GSECL that if at any subsequent stage it reveals  to  them  that  any  of  the  documents  submitted  by  me  are  false  or fabricated, I could be removed from the services in view of clause-16 of GSO.7 dated: 04.10.1960.
(6) I  further  declare  that  I  have  not  suppressed  any  material  information  or documents of any character which is necessary for obtaining this employment. If at any subsequent stage it reveals that I have suppressed such material information or document which would have debarred me from obtaining employment, I understand that I could be removed from services in view of clause-16 of GSO-7 dtd. 04.10.1960.
(7) I further declare that if any document submitted by me for the post of Junior Programmer is found false or fabricated or material information or document found to be suppressed by me, I shall not question the decision of the authority
for removal of my services in any Court of Law or before any authority.

Date: Place:
Normalization Methodology


1.  The average of scores of each batch is calculated first. The average of marks is calculated as mentioned below:

2.  The batch with highest average is considered as Base Batch. All other batches will be normalized against this Base Batch.
3.  The Standard Deviation (  ) of each batch is calculated. The formula to calculate the Standard
Deviation is as mentioned below:


4.  Assuming that Batch 1 is to be normalized against Batch 2 (Base Batch), then the normalized score of candidate is calculated using the following formula:


The same formula can be used in case there are more than two batches for a Post.

5.  The following candidates will be eligible for Merit List:

a.   Unreserved & EWS Category : Candidates having Normalized score of more than or equal to

b.   Reserved category : Candidates having Normalized score of more than or equal to 45 
6. This method has been applied for the following customers:

a.   Railway Recruitment Board b.   SSC Board
c.   Ordinance Factory and many more

The following points will be handled during scheduling of candidates:

1.  Batches will have nearly equal number of candidates scheduled
2.  Equal distribution of candidates as per their categories

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