Recruitment of various post in Solar Power Project

Faaip | Friday, 17 September 2021

 NHPC Limited

(A Government of India Enterprise)

NHPC Office Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad-121003 (Haryana) CIN No. L40101HR1975GOI032564

Advertisement No: NH/Rectt. /02/2021

Come on board to embrace exciting challenges with NHPC….

NHPC, a premier Schedule – A, 'Mini Ratna' Company with 70.95% owned by Government of India is the biggest hydropower company in India and a leader in design, construction and operation of hydropower plants. NHPC has so far commissioned 22 Hydro projects, 01 Wind Power Project & 01

Solar Power Project with an installed capacity of 7071.2 MW including projects developed in joint


NHPC, along with its subsidiaries and JVs, is also aggressively expanding its renewable energy portfolio;

including hydro, solar and wind power. It has 09 Projects with 5999 MW capacity in construction stage,

15 Projects with 10787.10 MW capacity in clearance stage, and 03 Projects with 1128 MW capacity in Survey & Investigation stage. NHPC has been earning profit for the last many years, with Gross Turnover of Rs. 9657.39 Crore and Profit after Tax of Rs. 3233.37 Crore during FY 2020-21.

NHPC offers exciting opportunities and challenges to learn and grow. The company fosters excellent working environment and has attractive compensation package. To support its high growth trajectory, NHPC is looking for High Performing, Dynamic & Achievement-Oriented Professionals for the following positions:

1.  Important Dates:

Note: Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) vacancies is Horizontal.

Abbreviations used: B- Blind, LV- Low Vision, D- Deaf, HH- Hard of Hearing, OA– One Arm, OL- One Leg, BL– Both Legs, OAL- One Arm and One Leg, CP- Cerebral Palsy, LC- Leprosy Cured, Dw- Dwarfism, AA- Acid Attack Victims, MD- Muscular Dystrophy, AU & LD- Autism and Learning Disability, ID- Intellectual Disability.


The company offers attractive compensation package comprising Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, HRA, Cafeteria Allowance, Performance Related Pay (PRP), Medical Facility, Social Security Benefits including PF, Pension, Gratuity etc as per company rules in force from time to time.


Candidates will be placed at Projects / Power Stations/ Offices including Joint Ventures & Subsidiary
Companies of NHPC in various parts of the country or abroad.


Candidates belonging to General, OBC and GEN-EWS category are required to pay a non-refundable fee of   250/- through Online Mode. The SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman category candidates need not to pay the registration fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility & correctness of information on Application Form before paying the registration fee. 
Steps for applying:

Step-1: Visit to & apply through online application portal available in the section “Career” with us. A candidate must possess valid E-mail id and mobile number which shall be active throughout the process as required for any further notification
Step-2: Read all instructions given on the website to ensure your eligibility before applying.
Step-3: Fill the Online application form with relevant details and submit. After successful submission an application ID shall be generated by the system which shall be kept and used for further communication
Step-4: Scanned copies of following documents should be kept ready by the candidate before applying
online registration for attachment:
a.    Matriculation/ secondary school certificate as proof of Date of Birth. b.   Complete set of mark sheets/ certificates in support of qualification.
c.    Caste certificate  in format  prescribed  by the Government of  India. In case OBC
candidates  the  community  certificate  should have been issued within 6 months before the date of registration.
d.   Disability certificate issued by Competent Authority (if applicable)

Step-5:  Upload latest photograph and signature as per instructions given in online application portal. Step-6: Take out the print of the registration form generated by the system in duplicate with Unique
application ID for future references.

Application  registered  without  /  incomplete  documents  uploaded  shall be  summarily rejected even though registration number has been generated. Candidate should not send any documents/ certificates or print out of Registration slip/ form through post.


The candidates registered online with NHPC and have filled all the requisite information shall be provisionally allowed to appear for Computer Based Online Test

Based on merit of Online Test, the final selected candidates will be offered “Offer of Appointment”.


The Computer Based Test/Online Test will be held in 22 Cities* as mentioned in the ‘Online’ Application system.  Candidates have to select preferred examination city (limited to three choices) from the given list of exam cities in the Online application form. However, NHPC reserves the right to cancel or add any Centre depending on the response of the candidates for that area/centre. Admission to the test centre will be on production of e-Admit Card which is to be downloaded only from our website by candidates.

(*Name of Cities- Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Gangtok, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Itanagar, Jaipur, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Panaji, Ranchi, Raipur & Shimla) 


1.   Reservation for SC / ST / OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) / Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) (degree of disability 40% or above)/Economically Weaker Section (EWS) will be as per the Govt. Norms & Directives.

2.   No registration fee will be charged from SC/ST/PwBD/Ex-Serviceman category candidates.

3.  SC/ST and PwBD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates with 50% marks in qualifying examination are eligible to apply.

4.   The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ ST, 3 years for OBC (Non- creamy layer). It is relaxable by 10 years for PwD- General, 13 years for PwD –OBC and 15 years for PwD -SC/ST candidates.

5.   The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989

6.   The relaxation of age for Ex-servicemen shall be as per Government guidelines. 

7.   SC/ST/PwBD candidates appearing for CBT/Written Test shall be reimbursed single to & fro
2nd class rail / ordinary bus fare by the shortest route limited to the nearest examination centre from the mailing address mentioned in their application form on production of proof. The Proforma can be downloaded from NHPC official website, along with e-admit card.

8.   Candidates  seeking  reservation under  GEN-EWS will  have to  submit an income & asset certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The closing date for submitting income & asset certificate by the candidate will be treated as the closing date for online receipt of application for the post. The prescribed format and the competent authority have been given in the Department of Personnel & Training Office Memorandum No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated

9.   Candidates seeking reservation as SC / ST / OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) /GEN-EWS/Persons with Disability (PwBD) (degree of disability 40% or above) will have to upload Certificate only in the prescribed proforma meant for appointment to posts under the Government of India from the designated Authority indicating clearly the candidates Caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognized as SC/ST / OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) and the village/town the candidate is ordinarily resident of.


1.   Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

2.   Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the advertisement.

3.   Candidate is required to obtain requisite marks / grade in essential qualification prescribed for the post, taking average of all the semesters / years irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester / year by Institute / University.

4.   The candidate should have acquired the qualifying educational qualification on or before
01.07.2021 to be eligible for applying.

5.   Internal candidates having requisite qualifications are eligible to apply. They are advised to refer to internal circular before filling up the applications.

6.   Candidate has to apply Online only. No manual / paper application/application through e-mail will be entertained.

7.   The date of declaration of result / issuance of Mark sheet shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account. Post qualification experience on a post / level shall be counted only from the said date onwards.

8.   Candidature of the registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.

9.   Candidature is also liable to be rejected if it is without testimonials/ certificates. 
10. The admit card indicating roll number, name of the allocated test centre, date of Computer Based Written Test and guidelines for the test will be made available on the NHPC website to the candidates found apparently eligible based on the online data. Candidates will also be informed through e-mail. The candidate has to download his / her Admit card, Test Guidelines etc. for appearing in the test from the website. Admit cards will not be sent by post.

11. The candidature of all candidates shall be provisional.

12. Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID active at least for one year. No change in e-mail
ID will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence shall be sent via e-mail only.

13. Candidates employed with Government Departments / PSU’s/ Autonomous Bodies have to attach NOC with their application form. In case NOC is not ready till the last date of application form, then they have to attach a self-certificate that they have applied for NOC and shall submit the NOC within 15 days after the date of examination.

14. In case of any ambiguity / dispute, arising on account of interpretation in version other than
English, only English version will prevail.

15. NHPC reserves the right to cancel/modify/restrict/enlarge/alter recruitment process, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.

16. NHPC reserves the right to increase / decrease the vacancies as per requirement.

17. Any canvassing, directly or indirectly, by the applicant will disqualify his / her candidature.

18. Recruitment Process will be as per NHPC Policy and Recruitment Rules.

19. In case of any dispute, the Competent Court at Faridabad / High Court of Punjab and
Haryana at Chandigarh shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

20. Further,  Notification,  Addendum,  Corrigendum  (if any)  shall  be  published at the official website of NHPC Limited only.

ENERGY IS FUTURE…                                              MAKE IT BRIGHT

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