Recruitment of various post in THE HIGH COURT OF KERALA

Faaip | Saturday, 29 October 2022



Applications are invited online from qualified candidates for appointment to the post of Principal Counsellor in the Family Courts in the State of Kerala. Applications must be submitted online only through the recruitment portal of the High Court of Kerala  from 26.10.2022 onwards. No other means/modes of application will be accepted.

1. Recruitment Number            8/2022

2. Name of Post                        Principal Counsellor

3. Scale of pay                          ~ 55200 - 115300/-

4. Number of vacancies            11 (Vacancies that may arise during the period of validity of  the ranked list shall also be filled up from the list)

5. Method of appointment         Direct Recruitment

6. Age limit                                18 - 36. Candidates born between 02.01.1986 and

01.01.2004 (both dates induded) are eligible to apply. [For relaxations of age limit. provisions in Rule

10 of  Part II of the Kerala State and Subordinate

Services Rules, 1958 shall be applicable.]

Age relaxation upto 15 years will be granted to the blind and the  deaf and dumb candidates and  10 years to orthopaedically disabled candidates subject to  the  condition that  in no case  upper limit shall exceed 50 years. 

7. Qualifications                             1. (a) Masters Degree in Social Work or

(b) Post Graduate Degree in Psychology

(The  above  qualification   shall  be  the  one  awarded   or recognised  by any of the Universities  in Kerala)

2. Experience  in family  counselling  for a minimum  period of two   years   (The   conditions    regarding    minimum experience  in family counselling  may be relaxed  in the case  of  candidates   otherwise   exceptionally   qualified and found suitable)

NB: Preference shall be given to female candidates.

Candidates  possessing  degrees which are not awarded  by the Universities  in Kerala should obtain certificate  of recognition  of their  degrees from any of the Universities in Kerala  and  it should  be produced  as and when  called  for, failure  of which  will entail cancellation  of candidature.

8.  Application    Fee                         f500/-         (Rupees      Five     .Hundred      Only).

Schedule  Castes/Scheduled Tribes  and   Unemployed  Persons  with  Disability candidates are exempted from payment of fees.

9.  Mode of Selection:  The selection will be on the basis of an 'interview' or 'written test and interview', having regard to the number of applications received vis-a-vis the number of vacancies. If the selection is on the basis of interview alone, the maximum mark for  the  interview shall  be  100.  The  interview will  assess the candidate's general knowledge, knowledge of basic principles of laws relating to family and child welfare, analytical ability, knowledge in the areas of social work and psychology and suitability for appointment as Principal Counsellor. If the selection is on the basis of written test  and  interview, the  maximum mark for  the written examination shall be 100 and for the interview it shall be  50. The syllabus for the written test shall be general knowledge, basic principles of laws relating to family and child welfare, analytical ability, social work and psychology.

For main list, the ratio of notified vacancies to the number of candidates to be called for the interview shall ordinarily be 1:3.  Supplementary lists shall be prepared for the reservation groups in respect of which the vacancies are likely to arise. While preparing the short list for the interview, if more than one candidate obtains the


same mark as that of the last candidate  in the descending  order of merit, all such candidates securing identical mark shall be treated as qualified for the interview. The minimum  mark  required  to  be obtained  by a candidate  in the  interview  for  being considered   for  inclusion   in  the  ranked  list  shall  be  40%  for  general  category candidates and Other Backward Class candidates and 35% for the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled  Tribe candidates.  The above  mentioned  minimum  marks shall be lowered to such extent  as decided  by the Selection  Committee  in order to include the required  number  of candidates  in supplementary   lists. Female candidates  who have  secured  the  cut  off  minimum   marks  prescribed  for  the  interview  shall  be entitled to a weightage  of 5 marks. Ranking of the candidates  shall be on the basis of the  sum  of  marks  for  the  written  test,  interview  and  the  weightage   marks  for female  candidates  if the  selection  is on the basis  of written  test  and  interview.  In case, the selection  is on the basis of  interview alone, the ranking of the candidates shall be on the basis of the sum of marks in the interview and the weightage  marks for female candidates.

10. Reservation   of appointment:    Rules 14 to 17 relating to reservation  of appointment contained  in Part II of the Kerala State and Subordinate  Services  Rules, 1958 shall apply to the recruitment.

11. Facilities   for  Persons  with  Disabilities:    Candidates  with disabilities  whose writing speed is affected  can avail the services  of a scribe. They should  indicate the same in  their  online  application  form.  Such  candidates,  whether  availing  the  facility  of scribe or not, will  be allowed  compensatory  time of 20 minutes  and/or  part thereof for every  hour  of the examination  on production  of prescribed  medical  certificate. The use of scribe will be governed  by the guidelines  prescribed  by the High Court. Such candidates  will have to produce a declaration  also (regarding the scribe) at the time of the test in the prescribed format available  in the recruitment  portal.

12. Training:   Every person appointed  shall undergo such training as may be prescribed by the High Court.

13. Probation:    Every  person  appointed  shall  be on probation  for a total  period of two years  on duty  within  a continuous  period  of three  years  from  the  date  on which he/she joins  duty.  He/She  shall, within  the period  of probation,  pass  departmental tests, if any, prescribed from time to time. 

14. Documents  in original  to prove age, qualifications,  Community;  Non Creamy  Layer status,  Economically  weaker  section  status  etc. should  be produced  as and when called for, failure of which may entail cancellation  of candidature.

15. How to Apply:

a)  The online application process has two parts - Step-I and Step-II. 'Step-I/New Applicant' is the first part for registration of the applicants. 'Step-II/Registered Applicant' is the  second part of the  process for  those applicants who  had completed Step-I.  A candidate's online application is complete only if he/she completes both the  steps which  includes the  submission of  application by clicking the  'FINAL  SUBMISSION' option available in Step -II  process and payment of application  fee.

b)  Eligible candidates are required to apply only 'ONLINE' through the website To start the process, the candidates should click the link 'Step-I/ New Applicant'  in the web page or the 'Apply  Online'  button available against the notification link. This will take the candidate to the next page where the option of 'POSTS' is displayed. Candidates can access the RECRUITMENT OF PRINCIPAL COUNSELLOR main page (hereafter called the main page) by clicking the option 'PRINCIPAL COUNSELLOR' available there. Before  proceedlnq   further, the  candidate should  read  the  detailed notification in the home page and How to Apply.  Guideljnes  for Photograph  & Sjgnature. FAQ and Sample AQQlication form provided in the main page. He/She should also be ready with his/her scanned  Photograph  & Signature as specified in clause (h) below or in Guidelines for Photograph  & Signature  (in a pen drive or

CD) and the details to be filled in the online application.

c)  In Step-I (Registration for New Applicants), the candidate has to fill in basic information about him/her. The information provided during Step-I (New Applicants) process cannot be modified after submission with key number.

d)  In Step-II (Registered Applicant), the candidate has to upload his/her scanned photograph and signature and detailed information about him/her. The details furnished by the candidates during Step-II process can be modified tilt the Final Submission  of online applications. However, the photograph  and signature once uploaded cannot be changed.

e)  Candidates are advised to have a valid Mobl1eNumber / valid personal e-mail LQ. It should be kept active for the duration of the recruitment. No request for change of Mobile Number/e-mail ID will be entertained. High Court will send various intimations relating to the  recruitment as  SMS/e-mail to this Mobile

. Number/e-maiIIO.

1) In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail 10, he/she may create an e-mail 10 before applying online.

g)  If the candidate does not mention his/her Mobile Number/e-mailID.nointimation relating to the recruitment will be sent to the candidate. Such candidates will have to visit the website frequently for getting information about the recruitment. 

h)  Before applying  online_,  .a.. candidate  will be required to have a scanned (digita/J  ;maoAof his  ..... and sionetur« as per the followinQspecifications; Dimensions 

i) For further details, the candidates are advised to visit the link "Guidelines for Photograph & Signature"  available on the main page. Candidates should take care to  upload good quality photographs.   Otherwise it would be difficult to identify the candidate from the  photograph on the Admission Ticket.  If the candidate   cannot   be  identified   from   the   photograph  printed   on  the Admission  Ticket.  he!she will not be allowed to write the examination.

j) The candidate should also keep the particulars of educational qualifications, experience details and other personal details ready before applying as these details are required to be entered in the online Application Form. The detailed requirement are given in the link "Sample Application Form"  available in the main page.

k)  Candidates should fill  in the required details including uploading of  his/her photograph and signature during the course of applying online. Care should be taken by the applicant while filling in information in the Online Application Form.

I)  Towards the end of Step-I process, the candidate will be asked to generate a Key Number. The Key Number should be eight digit long and it should contain at least one upper case letter (A,B, C,....), one lower case letter (a.b.c,.....), one
numerical digit (0,1,2,3,....) and one of the special characters (1 @ # $ % " * ( L
+ {}  ; : < . ». The candidate is advised to note down the Key Number and to
keep it securely till the selection process is over since it is required to be entered
each time he/she logs into the system. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention Key Number with/to any other person.

m) On completion of Step-I, the candidate will be aSSignedan Application Number which will be displayed on the screen and intimated to the candidates through SMS/e-mail. Candidate can  continue with  the  application filing  process by clicking on the 'Proceed' button available in the above screen and complete the application filing process in one go, if he/she so desires, or exit the page.

n)  If he/she opts to exit the page, he/she has to log into the system by clicking on the link "Step-II / Registered Applicant".  For this, the Application Number and Key Number of the candidate are required. Then the candidate will have access to his/her profile.

0)  In the profile of the candidate, the link 'Upload Photograph and Signature' will be available. Only after completion of uploading of photograph and signature, the link -  'Application' will be visible.  The candidate  should  fill  in the detailed application by  entering  all  the  required  information  in  this  link.    Final Submission link will be available only if all the required details are furnished in the  link  'Application' and  its  other  dynamic  sub  links  (Experience details, Employmentdetails, Service Particulars, Civil/Criminalcases etc...). 
p)  On  satisfying   that  the  information   furnished   are  correct   and  complete,   the candidate must   finally   submit   the   Application    by   clicking   the   link   'Final Submlssion', after furnishing  the details  required therein.  The process of online filing  of  application  will  be complete  only  on  successful   Final Submission  of application as stated above.  Once an online application is finally submitted, no further change can be made in Step-II. Therefore, the candidates are instructed to ensure the accuracy and correctness of details furnished before clicking the
'Final  Submjssion'   button.   Candidates may take note that the application
process will be complete only on payment of application  fee, in applicable cases, after the 'Final Submission'.

q)  Payment of application  fees  is the  last stage  of the  application  process.
After making 'Final Submission'  as indicated in clause (p) above, the candidate, if applicable, shall make the payment of application fees within the stipulated time. Online applications  which are not followed  by payment of application fees, in applicable cases, will be incomplete.
r)  CandI'dates are required to the application ees, as statedbleow:

s)  The application  fee can be paid through  online  mode  (Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking, etc.) or offline  mode (Cash payment at the branches of the State Bank of India using the system  generated fee payment challan). Payment of fee by Demand Draft/Cheque/MoneyOrders/Postal Orders etc. will not be accepted. Fee once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination. The candidates are instructed to refer the Terms & Conditions and policies with respect to payment, available in the payment page of the website. Fee payment by either mode can be made only after the final submission  of application  as stated in clause (p) above. The candidates should ensure that the web browser used by them is compatible with that of the Bank to make hassle free payment of application fee.

t) Online payment can be made from the date of commencementof Step I & Step II processes. For making online payment of application fee, the candidate should click the link 'Fee Payment' available in the profile of the candidate and follow the instructions available on the screen.   The 'Fee  Payment'  link  will  become inactive on successful  payment of application  fee.

u)  If the online fee payment is pending/not successful by the last date of Step- II process, the candidates are advised to download and keep with them a copy of system generated challan for  making offline  payment, in  case their  online payment fails.

v)  The challan for offline mode of fee  payment can  be downloaded from fee payment page available in the profile of the candidate till  the  date fixed for closure  of Step II process.  After  that  date, the system  generated challan will  not  be  available.   So,  candidates should  ensure  that  the  challan  is downloaded on or before the date fixed for closure of Step II process. Payment through offline mode can be made only after the last date fixed for closure of Step II process and it can be made till the last date fixed for the same. 
w)  Candidates who are exempted from fee payment and the candidates who wish to pay  the  fee  through  online  mode  (Debit  Card/Credit   Card/Net   Banking)  can complete  the  application   process  in  one  go,  if they  desire  so.  In  case  the candidates  do not intend to complete  the application  process  in one go, he/she can login to STEP-II  link available  in the  Home  Page  by providing Application Number and Key Number and continue the process.

x}  Successful   remittance   of  application   fee  marks  the  end  of  application   filing process. The candidates   shall  take  note  of the fact  that  the application    filing process  will  be complete   only  on successful    remittance   of application    fee. If the  application    fee  is not  remitted   within   the  respective   cut  off  date,  the application will  be incomplete.

y)  The   candidates   should   take   printout   of  Application   and   keep  it  for  future reference. They need not send the print out of the online application  or any other documents to the High Court.
16. Online      appllcailon    " validation       rules      are      designed       based      on      the Notification/Rules/Procedure requirement.   Candidates   are  advised   to  read   the Notification/Rules/  Procedure carefully and refer "How  to Apply"   pages on the main page. Application  submitted  through  online form does  not imply that candidate  has fulfilled  all the criteria  given  in the  Notification/Rules/Procedure    and  application  is subject to subsequent  scrutiny and the application  can be rejected if found to be not fulfilling the eligibility criteria at any paint of time.
17. The candidates  should  ensure  that the details  in the system  generated  printout  of Application are  that  of  the  candidates   themselves.   The  candidates   who   make alterations  or attempt to write the written test by making alterations  in the Admission Tickets downloaded  will be disqualified.

18. The  candidates   are  advised  to  keep  the  Application   Number  and  Key  Number securely as both are required each time they log in to the system.

19.An application  once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn.

20. The  candidate's   copy  of  the  Fee  Payment  Challan  should   be  retained   by  the candidate and produced if called for.

21. Full and correct information shall be furnished  in the online application.  Furnishing of false or incorrect  information/documents   or suppression  of material  information  will disqualify  the candidate  at any stage of selection. Anything  not specifically  claimed in the application  against the appropriate field will not be considered  at a later stage.

22. Applications  which  do not comply  with  the instructions  in this  notification  shall  be rejected.

23. A candidate shall submit only one application.
Principal  Counsel/or - 2022                                                                                                                       718 

24.The  candidates  should  have  acquired  the  qualification  and the   experience prescribed on or before the last date fixed for Step-II process. They should  obtain the experience certificate  on or before the last date fixed for Step-II process.

25. Important dates with regard to submission  of application:

26.Admission  Tickets:  Admission  Tickets for written examination will not be sent by post. The candidates should login to their profile page via 'Step-III Registered Applicant'   link   to    download   the   Admission   Tickets   from   the   website Admission Tickets will be ready for download three weeks prior to the date of the written examination, if any, and the matter will be informed through press release and through SMS/e-mail. The candidates are also advised to visit  the recruitment  portal of the High Court at least once in two weeks to know about the schedule of the examination.

27.Call Letters for interview:   Call Letters for  interview will not be sent by post.
The eligible candidates should login to  their profile page via 'Step-II/Registered
Applicant' link to download the Call Letters from the website Call Letters will be ready for download two weeks prior to the date of the interview and the matter will be informed through press release and SMS/e-mail. The eligible  candidates  are also  advised  to visit  the recruitment  portal of the High Court at least once in a week to know about the schedule of the interview.

28. For clearing doubts, candidates may call: 0484-2562235.

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