Recruitment of various post in Recruitment for Various Posts on Contract Basis

Faaip | Thursday, 12 January 2023

 Recruitment for Various Posts on Contract Basis

IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is a premier Schedule “A” infrastructure government company under the Ministry of  Railways engaged in the construction of  turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc.  The Company has recorded a turnover of more than 7181 crores in the year 2021-2022.  The Company has successfully completed large value Railway and Highway Projects over the years in India and abroad including Malaysia, Bangladesh, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, Nepal, etc., and recently in Sri Lanka.

The company invites applications for recruitment to the below mentioned posts on Contract basis for IRCON's various projects at a fixed all-inclusive salary, as per the eligibility criteria and other details as tabulated below:

*Age  Relaxations  as  per  Government  of  India’s  guidelines  subject  to  fulfillment  of  the  requisite
qualification & experience.

Medical Standards: Candidates should be in sound health and free from color blindness. No relaxation in health standards will be allowed.


1. Through walk-in interviews as per schedule given at para-B-6 below.

2. There are no allowances over and above the fixed pay.

3.The above posts are specifically for IRCON’s Project in States mentioned above, in India and not for the regular establishment of IRCON. The appointment will be initially for a period of one year subject to satisfactory performance of the selected candidate. The contract may be further extended  after  one  year  as  per  the  requirements  of  the  company,  if  the  services  of  the candidates are found to be satisfactory. However, the appointment is co-terminus with the project for which candidate is selected and will not confer any right to claim absorption in regular establishment of the company or for appointment in other projects of the company.

4.For Medical Coverage, the Medical Health Insurance Policy of Rs Three Lakhs for self with the ceiling of premium of Rs 4000/- per annum shall be taken by the Contract Employees themselves covering Covid-19 and other diseases. The premium amount shall be reimbursed to the contract employees subject to submission of copy of health insurance policy and original receipt of premium paid. 

5.Minimum PF as prescribed under the EPF & MP Act 1952 will be deducted from the salary and a matching contribution will be made by IRCON. The accumulations will be paid at the time of cessation of contract.

6.One leave for each calendar month of service can be availed during the contract period. Leave can be carried forward and accumulated but no leave encashment for un availed leave is allowed during the contract or on resignation or termination of contract. No other type of leave would be admissible.

7.One weekly off and other public holidays when the project office remains closed would be available.

8. Working hours/days and off will be the same as for the Project.

9. TA/DA would also be admissible if deputed on outstation duty.

10.  No other perks or benefits would be admissible except the above.

11.  If any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or incorrect or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, then his/her candidature is liable to be rejected/cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process.

12.  The  ex-contract employees  of  IRCON,  whose  services  were  terminated  due  to  closure  of projects, can also apply for these posts if they fulfil the required qualifications and experience. A copy of the termination letter should be sent along with the application. Appointment against this advertisement shall be treated as fresh appointment without any linkage to previous employment in IRCON.

13.  The no. of posts indicated above may vary based on further assessment of requirement. The company reserves the right to increase, decrease, cancel, restrict & modify the requirement at any point of time without assigning any reason thereof.


1.Before reporting for Walk-in-Interview, candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.

2.Applicants who consider themselves as eligible should register themselves as per the schedule mentioned below and bring along with them one set photocopy along with Originals as
mentioned below

i. Application typed on A-4 size paper in the format attached herein

ii. Experience Certificate in chronological order. In case of Present Employment, offer letter alone will not be considered as proof of experience, the candidate should also submit last Two Months’ salary slip of present employer for proof of experience.

iii. Date of Birth/ class X passing certificate as proof of DOB.

iv. Caste  certificate/EWS Certificate/Age relaxation. Certificate issued  should  be  in prescribed format as per Government of India's guidelines.

v.  Qualification Degree/Diploma and All semester/year Mark sheets for calculation of percentage in qualifying degree.

3.If the candidate belongs to OBC, a caste certificate issued in the current financial year only by a competent authority as applicable for appointment to the services in Govt. of India in proper format will be accepted. Please note, that an OBC certificate issued in the current financial year only can be accepted as a current proof of your not belonging to “creamy layer” in the OBC.

4.Candidates  should  mention  percentage  in  the  fields  where  percentage  is  required  without rounding off. Percentage obtained in BE/B Tech as mentioned in consolidated mark sheet issued by University/Institution after considering marks of all semesters/years will be considered. However, in  case consolidated mark  sheet is  not  being issued by University/Institute, final percentage will be calculated by taking average of all semesters/years.

5. In case CGPA/OGPA/DGPA is mentioned in mark sheets, following criteria may be applied:

i. In  case  where  conversion  into  percentage  is  not  provided  by university/institutes: 
"if university/institute do not have the provision for conversion of CGPA/OGPA/CPI/DGPA or letter grade into percentage than minimum 6 on 10-point scale will be considered as 60%. On any scale different from 10-point scale the score will be prorated accordingly.

ii.  In case where conversion into percentage is provided by university/institutes:
Wherever CGPA/OGPA/CPI/DGPA or letter grade in degree is awarded, equivalent
% of marks should be indicated in the online application as per norms adopted by concerned university/institute. A certificate to this effect may be obtained by the candidate from the university/institute, which shall be required to be produced at the time of verification

6. The schedule of Interview is as mentioned below:

7.Only such applicants will be interviewed who are eligible as per the eligibility criteria. Applicants are, therefore, advised to check their eligibility thoroughly while reporting for walk-in-interview so as to avoid disappointment at a later stage. The applicants must bring the original certificates in proof of age, community, educational qualifications and experience while coming for the interview failing which the interview of the candidate will not be held.

8.Please note that the Registration for Walk-in-interview shall start  at  09:30 am  at  the location mentioned above. The candidate may register themselves upto 1:00 pm only on the above mentioned date and location.

9.Candidates applying for more than one post have to submit separate application for the post/s.

10.  No request for change of date, time and location for any post would be entertained.

11.  Any communication/corrigendum/notification related to any post of this advertisement will be
uploaded on IRCON’s website only.

12.  In case of Doubt/ Query/ Clarification, please mail us at

Signature of the Candidate 

I declare that the information furnished above by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing material has been concealed.

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