Faaip | Wednesday 15 September 2021


Notification No.04/NHM /2020.

Sub:-National Health Mission – Recruitment of 62 Posts of  Medial Nursing, Paramedic al and other Staff sanctioned in health f acilities and DPMU  – Reg.

Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.301 HM&FW (B1)Department,  Dt: - 20-06-2020.

2. Rc.No.005/SPMU-NHM/2011/2, Dt:- 22-08-2021 of the Commissioner Health and Family W elf are & Mission Director, National Health Mission, A.P.

3.  Note Orders of the J oint Collector 9VW S&D), Kurnool,


1. As per the orders issued in the references 2nd and 3rd cited, applications are invited from the eligible  and  interested  candidates  for  the  following  posts  under  NHM.  The  roster  points, roster category,  Qualifications  and salary details  are noted  against  each. The other rules, selection process etc. noted after this table.

2. For the posts of Specialist  Doctors  (S.No.1 to 4), W alk in Interviews will be conducted  from

04.09.2021 to 15.09.2021. The W alk in Interviews will be conducted every day.  Once the post is filled up, the W alk in Interview will be stopped without waiting till last date i.e. 15.09.2021.

Note :- Though the Salary is mentioned against the post noted against each the original payment of salary will be made as applicable under NHM Guidelines only. 
3. AGE: The age limit of the above said posts is for the general Category (OC) 42 Years and for Reservation Category (BC, SC, ST) 5 Years more and for PH Candidates get more 10 years and EWS Certificate from MROs concerned as per rules. The cutoff date is 01.07.2021.

4.   METHOD OF SELECTION:  As per G.O.Ms.No.301 HM&FW (B1) Departm ent, dt.20.06.2020.

Selection   proc ess   is   purely   bas ed   on   75%   W eightage   of   marks   of   requisite Qualification  marks  and 10  marks  W eightage  from the year  of passing  of requisite Qualification  and 15 marks f or in s ervice c andidates  thos e who are  worked/working on outsourcing  basis/Contract  Basis  in any schemes  (HDS/CDS/Arogya  Sree HCT etc.,  or  under  any  PPP  (T otal  100  Marks)  as  per  G.O.  Ms.No.298  HM&FW .. (B1) Department, Dt: 16.06.2020.

5. RULE OF RESERVATION:  Selection will be strictly as per the merit and rule of reservation as per AP State  and Subordinate  Service rules, 1996.  If eligible disabled  candidates  of a particular category are not available, to fill up the carry forward vacancy, the same shall be filled-up  by the method  of interchanging  as  per G.O.  Ms. No.23,  department  for W omen, Children, Disabled  and Senior Citizen (DW ) Dept., Dated:-  26.05.2011  and G.O.Ms.No.99, General  Admn (Services  –D) Dept., Dated:-  04.03.2013  and G.O.Ms.No.2  Department  for W omen, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizen (Prog.II) Dated:- 19.02.2020.  Hence all the disabled categories are allowed to apply.


The  persons  seeking  the  benefit  of  reservation   under  EW S  category  shall   obtain  the necessary  EW S Certificate  issued by the Tahsildar  concerned  and to submit  alongwith  the Application Form.  The persons who are not covered under existing   scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Socially andEducationally  Backward Classes and whose gross annual family income is below Rs.8.00 lakh are to be identified as Economically  W eaker Sections  (EW S) for the benefit of reservation.  The Income shall als o include  income  from  all  sources  i.e.  salary,  agriculture,  business,  profession,  etc.  for  the financial year prior to the year of application.   The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years (As per G.O.Ms.No.66, General Administration (Services-D) Department, dt.14.07.2021 of the Government of Andhra Pradesh).

7. SELECTION COMMITTEE:  The selection  will be through the District Selection Committee, Kurnool.  The Committee  members  are as follows  as  per G.O.  Ms. No.  64 HM&FW  (E1) Dept., dated: 21.06.2021.


II. Joint Collector (Development)

District Medical and Health Officer - Chairman.

– Member convener.

IV. District Coordinator of Hospital Services

Superintendent, GGH – Member.

- Member.

i. He / She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity rendering him / her unfit for such service:
ii.    His / Her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him/her for such service. iii.   He/She possesses the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the post:,


a. The candidate  selected  and  appointed  on contract  basis  shall  not  be regarded  as  a member of the service in which the post to which he / she is appointed, is included and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment in that or any other service. The Department  or the person  may revoke the contractual  appointment  or discontinue  the contract  by giving  one  month’s  notice  in  writing  on  either  side.  This  contract  would automatically  cease  to  operate  on  lapse  of  contract  period  and  both  parties  will  be discharged  of their respective  obligations  and liabilities  without  any formal  or informal communication.
b.   No private practice is allowed during the contract period.

c.   All the recruited candidates shall maintain bonafide head quarters.

d. Department reserves the right to transfer the contractual employees  to any other station due to exigencies of work or administrative reasons.
e.   Disciplinary control in accordance with previous of APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991.

f. All persons  appointed  on contract basis shall execute an agreement  on a Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- with two witnesses and submit the same to the District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool at time of reporting for duty agreeing the terms and conditions of the contract.
g. The appointments  are purely on temporary on contract basis and liable for termination at any time.


a.   Candidates  should  make  sure  of  their  eligibility  to the  post  applied  for  and  that  the declaration  made  by them  in the format  of  application  regarding  their  eligibility  in all respects.  Any  candidate  furnishing  in-correct  information  or  making  false declaration regarding  his/her  eligibility  at any stage or suppressing  any information  is liable to be debarred from recruitment conducted by the department and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment & future recruitments. 
b.   The department is vested with duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentiality in this process and any attempt.
c.   The  Act by any one causing or likely to cause breach of  duty in such manner or by such

action  as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices  followed  and ensured  by the Department  will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable  means  ground for department.


The decision of the department pertaining to the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be conduct of counseling and at all consequent stages culminating in the selection  or  otherwise  of  any candidate  shall  be final  in  all respects  and  binding  on  all concerned  under  the  powers  vested  with  it. The  department  also  reserves  its  right  and modify regarding time and conditions laid down in the notification for conducting the various stages up to selection duly intimating details thereof to all concerned  as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process.

12. Fee:  The candidates applying for the posts should invariably enclose Demand draft obtained in  favor  of  District  Medical  and  Health  Officer,  Kurnool  that,  in  case  of  OC  /  General candidates Rs.400/- and in case of other than OC / General candidate is Rs. 200/-.


The candidates should apply through offline only. The candidate should apply for the posts in the  prescribed  application  format  enclosed  to the notification  only.  Applications  submitted other than the prescribed format will not be accepted. All the columns in the application form must  be  filled.  They  should  submit  all  necessary   relevant  certificates   along  with  the application.  Application  with  incomplete  documents  will  summarily  be rejected.  No further correspondence will be made in this matter. The applicants can send their filled in application form with all relevant  enclosures  W alk in Interview. The applications  should be sent to the office of District Medical and Health Officer, Kurnool.  The last date for receipt of filled in application  in O/o DM&HO, Kurnool in person 15-09-2021 on all working days between10.30  AM  to  5.00  PM.  The  candidate  on  the  cover  of  the  application,  they  should  write invariably as Application  for the post of              _             under NHM scheme  with super scribe letters. 

14. Tentative Schedule of the above requirement is as follows
1. Date of Issue of Notific ation
2. Last date of Rec eipt of applic ation 15.09.2021
3. Publishing merit list and c alling for objections 22.09.2021
4. Publication of final merit list and selection with rule of res ervation
5. Issue of appointment  orders                                                                      

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