Recruitment of variours post in AI ENGINEERING SERVICES LIMITED

Faaip | Tuesday, 14 March 2023


Sub: Walk-In  Interview for the post of Aircraft Maintenance  Engineer (AME) on FTE-Basis.

AIESL  is a fully owned subsidiary of AI Asset Holding  Company  Limited  and is a Public Sector Undertaking by Government of India. AIESL is the largest  MRO in the Aviation Industry of India. AIESL manages and maintains Airbus,  Boeing & ATR’s fleet with highest degree of the Technical Dispatch  Reliability,  with its major maintenance hangars and bases located at  all  the  major metros.  The company has state of the art capabilities for Overhaul and Maintenance of Aircraft and  its  components.  AIESL  being the  subsidiary of  erstwhile Air India Limited  continues  to provide its maintenance services to   the prime customer Air  India (now   a  private business entity).  However  as  an  independent MRO  AIESL  has embarked on  business growth strategy through  extensive marketing and brand building for capturing MRO  service requirements of other  aviation  operators.   AIESL    employs  around  5200 skilled  workers  including  Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and Aircraft Technicians.

AIESL   invites applications from  Indian Nationals fulfilling the  requirements as on  01.03.2023 to fill up the posts of Aircraft Maintenance  Engineer (AME) as follows for:

1.   B1 & B2 to cover Airbus A319/A320/A321(CFM 56/V2500/LEAP-1A/PW-1100)

2.   B1 & B2 to cover ATR 72-212

The  engagement will  be  as  given hereunder through PERSONAL  INTERVIEW  from the   open market on  “Fixed  Term  Employment   basis"  (FTE)”  and  also  to  form  a  Wait-List  for  future requirements.   The   selected  candidates may   be   posted   at   Hyderabad/Chennai/Bangalore and/or  in  various southern stations of  AIESL,  depending upon  the  requirement  of   AIESL Selection and empanelment does not guarantee that the candidate will be appointed immediately.  Release of candidates from the panel would depend upon the  requirement of AIESL   and  decision  taken  by the company in this  regard.  Management reserves  all rights to take any decision in regard to conduct of this exercise.

The recruitment  will be on a fixed term employment for a period of five years and extendable upto age of 58 years whichever  is earlier. Extension for further period will be based on Company requirement for servicing,  inspection,  certification and other related Engineering  activities on Aircrafts and Parties/Clients to whom AIESL gives Services.


2. Distribution  of Vacancies:
•    Reservation applicable to SC,  ST,  OBC,  EWS etc.  will be as per Govt.  Rules.
•   Reservation applicable for Ex Serviceman  candidates  as per Govt.  Rules.
•    No reservation is applicable for this post under the Persons with Disabilities Act,1995.
i)    Professional   Qualification  &  Experience
a)  Must possess valid DGCA License   (C A R  66 CAT B1/B2  license on the aircraft asdescribed above)
b)  Multiple  Licensed AMEs will be preferred.
ii)   ALL   THOSE CANDIDATES WHO   ARE  HOLDING  A   VALID    LICENCE   BUT  DO   NOT  HAVE AUTHORISATION  WILL HAVE TO ACQUIRE THE SAME WITH IN SIX MONTHS OF THEIR  BEING APPOINTED FOR THE POST. All such candidates will be paid only part emoluments,  as maybe decided by Management from time to time.
4.Age Limit as on 01.03.2023
General  Category – Not more than 48 years
OBC – Not more than 51 years
SC/ST  – Not more than 53 years
Ex-Serviceman – as per Govt.  rules but not more than 55 years.


Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and it will lie in the range of INR 95,000 to INR 1,28,000  pm (tax deductions will be as per applicable  government rules). However,  in exceptional cases (much higher qualifications/ experience),  it may go higher and would be at the appropriate level of salary approved by the Company  for AME  on fixed term employment basis upto INR 1.7 Lac (Rs.  One  Lac  Seventy Thousand only) as per the company policy.

Fixed Term  Employment   for a period of 5 years,  extendable upto 58 years  of age  depending upon requirement of AIESL.  The contract  can also be terminated earlier at the discretion of the Management during the tenure of contract in the event of unsatisfactory performance.   The job is transferable to any station in India. 

Interested candidates are required to appear for registration followed by PERSONAL INTERVIEW at the date time and venue as given below:
Date : 27th March 2023 &  28th March 2023
Time: Walk-in from 0930 hrs. To 1200 hrs.

Selected candidates will be required to undergo Medical test as per the advice of company
Medical Officer.
The shortlisted candidates  will  be  inducted as  per  vacancies being  decided to  be  filled  in by the management subject to being found FIT in the Pre-Employment Medical Examination.
Interested  candidates meeting the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement,  as on
01.03.2023,  are required to appear for WALK-IN  PERSONAL INTERVIEW at the date,  time and venue as mentioned in this advertisement.
Application can be mailed in advance to receive priority slot for Interviews.
In case of reporting of large number of candidates,  interview may   continue  on next/subsequent day or management may decide to call  the candidates any other day if it is not  feasible to  conduct the  interview on  the  same  day.  Candidates  are  advised to  come prepared accordingly.
Candidates are also advised to bring the following while coming for Walk-in selection:
a) Non-refundable  application and  processing Fee   of   INR 1000/- (Rupees  One   thousand only) for Gen and OBC    candidates towards processing fee by means of a  Demand  Draft drawn in favour of “AI Engineering Services Limited” payable at Hyderabad. DD  should not be send by post or courier.
b) Original  Processing fee  (DD)  along with Application should be  submitted at  the  time  of Personal Interview.  Please mention  your full  name,   mobile number and the  post  applied for on the reverse of the Demand Draft. 
c)   A recent (not more than 3 months old)  coloured passport size photograph of     full face
(front view) should be pasted neatly in the space provided in the application form.
d)  Self-attested copies of supportive documents in respect of:
1) Educational   qualification (i.e.,  SSC,   HSC,   1st  year  onwards  up  to  the  final  year  of
Diploma/Graduation or higher education with mark sheets), as applicable.
2) Date  of  birth proof (Original  School Leaving  Certificate  or attested  photo   copy  duly signed by  the  principal of  same  School/College  or  Gazetted Officer  and  SSC   passing certificate).
3) With regard to experience,  candidates are advised to carry experience certificate  and if currently employed they should bring along with them the appointment letter and the latest pay slip as supporting document.
4) Copy of DGCA license and last CAR 66 authorization issued.
e) Candidates  are advised to carry their original DGCA  license,  authorization  & personal LOG BOOK(S) duly signed and stamped.
f)  Caste   Certificate  in  original  in  the  prescribed format    along     with  self-certified photo copy in  case of SC/ST/OBC candidates.
g) Candidates  belonging to  OBC  Category   must submit a  duly attested photocopy of   Non- Creamy  Layer  certificate issued in  current financial year in  the  format as  prescribed by Government  of  India (Central  Government  Format  for OBC  certificate) and issued by  the Competent  Authority.  The  certificate,  inter-alia, must specifically state that the   candidate does not belong to socially advanced sections excluded from the benefits of reservation for OBC  in civil posts and services under the Government  of India. The  Certificate  should also contain the Creamy  Layer Exclusion  clause.  The  Certificate  produced by the  candidates  of OBC  community should be as per the Central  List  of OBCs  published by the Government of India and not as per State List.
h) Applicants   working   in    Government/Semi-Government/Public     Sector   Undertakings  or autonomous bodies must  walk-in with  the  completed application form   routed  through Proper Channel along with No Objection Certificate from the present employer.
i)  The   application,   in  the  prescribed format,  must  be  submitted  along  with  the   above- mentioned  requisite documents.  Original   Certificate  should  not  be  submitted  with  the application,  but should be brought for verification along with one set of photocopies.  The Company  is not responsible for returning any original or copies of certificates/testimonials submitted along with the application. Candidates who fail to produce  the  original testimonials for verification may not be allowed for the Selection process. 

a.  The    selected   candidates  would   initially   be     positioned    mainly   in     southern stations /
or any other stations depending upon the requirement of the Company.
b.   The Management  reserves all right to take any decision with regard to conduct of this exercise including interpretation of  eligibility,  deferment/ cancellation of  this  exercise,  and/or, add/delete, alter any condition of this notification, if it is so necessitated
c.   Emoluments:   The  job  carries an  all-inclusive package as  mentioned in  serial  no  05 above subject to tax deduction as per Government rules.
d.   Indemnity Bond: The selected candidates  would be required to submit a bond for an indicative amount of  INR 5 (five) lakh for a  period of 3 years.   The amount is subject to upward revision, if so decided, by the Management from time to time
e.   Consideration   of   SC/ST/OBC/EWS   candidates  will  be   as   per  Government Directives   on reservation of posts.
f.     SC/ST  candidates fulfilling the  requirements and  appearing for  Walk-in Interview residing beyond  80  kms.   from  the   Test   Centre   and  not   employed  in   any  Government /Semi- Government/ PSU or  Autonomous Bodies will  be  reimbursed second class return rail/bus (surface transport only) fare by the shortest route as per rules,  on production of evidence to that effect.
g.    Applications which are unsigned/in complete/ mutilated/received after the prescribed Walk-in date and  time/not in  person will  be  rejected.  Applications sent by email/post will  not be considered.
h.    The applicants  must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria as on 01.03.2023 and that the particulars furnished by them in  the application are correct  in all respects.  Candidates failing to bring the relevant original and photocopy of testimonials will be disqualified.  At any stage of the Selection Process,  if the particulars provided by the candidate in the application or testimonials supplied are found incorrect/false or not meeting the eligibility requirements prescribed for  the post,  the candidature is liable to be rejected and,  if appointed,  services would stand terminated forthwith.
i.      Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence with regard to their engagement/selection will be considered a DISQUALIFICATION. 

Declaration: I hereby certify that the foresaid information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have not suppressed any  material fact  or  factual  information in  the  above  statement.  I  am  aware  that  in  case I  have   given   wrong information or suppressed any material fact or factual information, or I do not fulfill the eligibility criteria according to the advertisement, then my candidature will be rejected / services terminated at any time without giving any notice or reason there for.
Eligible SC/ST candidates,  if not employed in Govt./Semi Govt./Public  Sector Undertaking/Autonomous  Body,  and residing more than 80 kms away from the test centre are eligible to get reimbursement of 2nd class to & fro rail/bus fare by the shortest route on production of photocopy of fare, caste certificate, cheque  leaf of bank  account .Such  SC/ST  candidates may fill in this form before hand and attach copy off are, caste certificate, cheque leaf. The candidate should attach this form with their application in the prescribed format to effect payment to them,  if eligible for payment,  in due course of time through ECS/  Money order. Incomplete application or application not attached with copy off are,  caste certificate cheque leaf shall not be considered for reimbursement.

N.B.  (a)  The term ‘ordinarily’  used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation  of the
Peoples Act, 1950.
(b) Where, the certificates are issued by Gazetted  Officers of the union Government or State  Governments,  they should be in the same form but countersigned by the District . Magistrate of Deputy Commissioner (Certificate  issued by  Gazetted Officers and attested by District Magistrate/Deputy  Commissioner are not sufficient). 

a. *Note 1 :     Income covered all sources i.e. salary ,agriculture ,business, profession, etc.
b. **Note 2 : The term “Family” for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
c. ***Note 3 : The property held by a “ Family” in different locations or different places/cities have been clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine  EWS status.

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